Strategic Eating



  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    D. Bring your own bag of celery and carrots, Nancy.

    Hahahahaha - awesome!
  • cibilbee
    cibilbee Posts: 47 Member

    Then If I do partake in the junk food I feel that I failed myself which causes me to expand it into the remainder of my week (ie - I ate a ton of crap and blew it on Saturday, why bother working out the rest of this week).

    I use to be the same way (and sometime I still am) but if you shrink your veiw to "well it was only one bad day" then that will slowly become "well it was only one bad meal, I'll make sure I am good the rest the day". It is a hard and consistent battle to retrain your brain to think this way but you'll get there and then the occasional indulgence doesn't get you down so much.
  • aquapup
    aquapup Posts: 81 Member
    I bring fruit to parties, drink lots of water and eat slowly.

    I picked these tricks up from my size 0 brother-in-law's girlfriend. It helped me a lot to witness her doing this while the rest of us were pigging out on cheesecake and candy like we were getting ready for the hunger games or something (every single family gathering).

    I also plan ahead, eg - I will eat one hot dog, one serving of chips, etc and stick to it. Everything in moderation and good luck.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    As I am regularly confronted by similar scenarios, I try to plan ahead. I will make sure I get a good work out before the event, so have calories to spare and can weigh my food / drink options up on the day dependent on what I have burnt off and what I have left in the locker.

    Some days though (birthdays, Christmas etc), I just go with it and eat and drink what I like. It helps me poo poo friends and family suggestions that I am getting too skinny and am no fun any more, and so what if it takes me a few weeks extra to reach my goal weight?
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member

    Then If I do partake in the junk food I feel that I failed myself which causes me to expand it into the remainder of my week (ie - I ate a ton of crap and blew it on Saturday, why bother working out the rest of this week).

    I use to be the same way (and sometime I still am) but if you shrink your veiw to "well it was only one bad day" then that will slowly become "well it was only one bad meal, I'll make sure I am good the rest the day". It is a hard and consistent battle to retrain your brain to think this way but you'll get there and then the occasional indulgence doesn't get you down so much.

    Yeah, I have definitely been doing that better now days - good advice!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    piece of the sandwich, pull the cheese out when no one is looking, have some of the pretzels and three beers. next time bring a plate of shish kabobs to donate to the bbq.

    fill them up with stuff like pearl onions, hunks of chicken, bell peppers, mushrooms, etc. dont saturate in any sauce - the grill adds flavor anyways
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    piece of the sandwich, pull the cheese out when no one is looking, have some of the pretzels and three beers. next time bring a plate of shish kabobs to donate to the bbq.

    fill them up with stuff like pearl onions, hunks of chicken, bell peppers, mushrooms, etc. dont saturate in any sauce - the grill adds flavor anyways

    Why 3 beers? Ha
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    piece of the sandwich, pull the cheese out when no one is looking, have some of the pretzels and three beers. next time bring a plate of shish kabobs to donate to the bbq.

    fill them up with stuff like pearl onions, hunks of chicken, bell peppers, mushrooms, etc. dont saturate in any sauce - the grill adds flavor anyways

    Why 3 beers? Ha

    socially acceptable norm, plus you can nurse three beers over a couple of hours without your homeboys giving you any sht.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Life is to be lived. A day of indulging won't define your overall weight loss. If you're concerned enough about the calories, do couple of things: workout before going and only eat a little of everything.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    piece of the sandwich, pull the cheese out when no one is looking, have some of the pretzels and three beers. next time bring a plate of shish kabobs to donate to the bbq.

    fill them up with stuff like pearl onions, hunks of chicken, bell peppers, mushrooms, etc. dont saturate in any sauce - the grill adds flavor anyways

    Why 3 beers? Ha

    socially acceptable norm, plus you can nurse three beers over a couple of hours without your homeboys giving you any sht.

    Good points!
  • Hey MFPers - another topic I am interested in reading ideas on - this being what I call "strategic eating". So here is an example of what I mean:

    Your fast food consuming, beer belching buddies invite you over for a "cookout"... the offerings on the table: a giant bowl of Doritos, a huge sub sandwich cut into sections, a giant tin of hot wings, a bowl of hard pretzels, a plate of charred-beyond-recognition hot dogs, burgers and chicken breasts, a cooler of assorted beer. Do I:

    A) Get new friends
    B) Use the "Thanks I am good - already ate" excuse unleashing a torrent of locker room insults because I turn my nose up at the junk food
    C) Compromise and eat one slice of the sub sandwich and a lite beer

    Typically I will go for "C", but I am interested in hearing about your similar social/eating situations and how you deal with them without blowing your regimen and pissing off your friends and family.

    I'm assuming it's a special occasion, and not a once-a-week thing. If so, honestly, I'd go to town. It's one day, and that won't kill me. Plus, those hotdogs sound awesome.

    If this is a regular thing (again, weekly, or something like that), then I'd be a bit more strict - and to your point, I'd make sure that I did eat something before I went over, and I'd bring some other food with me. (I'd probably also have a wing... )
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I track my deficit for the week, not the day.

    This is very good advice - allows for a lot of flexibility - which takes away a lot of obsessing - which makes life a lot more fun.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I would eat wings & beer (because that's the food combo from Heaven) and have fun. It's just one meal. :)
  • GrandmaCarole
    GrandmaCarole Posts: 35 Member
    Alcohol lowers your ability to resist drinking more and avoiding unhealthy foods. Skip that for water or diet pop, I biring my own drinks and occasionally some fruit. I would opt for chicken since hot dogs and hamburgers are dripping in fat (unless you bring your own low fat ones to slap on the grill.. Remove skin from chicken.. Breasts are the best when not breaded. A pretzel would be OK if you count your calories and portion in advance. Bring a watermelon!
    We eat out a lot and are always being invited to relitives houses. I don't stop my diet unless it is Christmas or Thanksgiving. Otherwise I plan ahead, try to make sure there is enough good stuff that I won't be hungry and don't make a big deal about it. I take my own diet salad dressing into restraunts, look up their menues and nutritional info on the web in advance and plan ahead. When going to relatives I ask what they will be serving. .