Kind of new and in need of a few friends

Hiiiii, I'm a 25 year old female. Student/full time stay at home mom. I currently joined mfp a couple weeks ago and would like a few friends to help me along the way, I'm also willing to offer the same in return. I'm 5'3 and I've lost almost a total of 20 lbs (a few before mfp), and would like to loose another 60-80. My food weaknesses are popcorn and french fries, but I've always been the type of person who could live off of vegetables easily. I'm not finding this way of life to be as hard as some other things I've tried (ie I did Atkins for 2 years). I'm eating 1200-1300 calories a day. I enjoy spending time with my family, music, movies and writing. (I'd even like to start my own website/blog once I get to goal). And I live in Ontario Canada.
Anyways..... feel free to add me :) Thanks