Starting TurboFire



  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    I purchased Turbo Fire and did it for a month. I like the program because I enjoy kickboxing as a great quick calorie burn, but I personally got bored with it quickly. Oddly enough, I think I still enjoy running a little more and am continuing to train to run more race. I DID notice that my cardio endurance increased from doing the program--meaning I could run my usual distance and I wasn't AS tired as I was before TF. I didn't like the strength training--I just wasn't feeling the soreness that I wanted--and I couldn't really get my resistance band to work for me. I DO still use TF in conjunction to my other workouts, for instance I use her HIIT workouts as a pre-workout to my weight training days and do 30 minutes of TF to add extra cardio on my shorter running days.

    But everyone is different--so good luck on the program! Hopefully it works for you better than it did for me.

    And in response to the other poster: if you buy the whole program--the resistance band is mailed with the program, so no need to go out and buy anything else.

    Your post gave me some great ideas for how to incorporate TF if I start plateauing or if I get bored with it--thanks! I have never been able to run very well, so maybe this will help me with that.
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    The equipment needed comes with the DVD set. About Turbo Fire, I have an endless reasons why you SHOULD DO IT! I've always been a chubby girl and I mean it. Turbo Fire helped me be in the shape of my entire life and cannot be more thankful to this workout. It helped me gain enough stamina to RUN, right now I'm doing a C25K/Chalean Extreme (strenght training) hybrid and feel so alive and strong!

    Happy Burning and best of luck in this journey :smile:

    You post gave me so much motivation!! Thank you! I have *always* wanted to be able to run, but never have been able to. I am really hopeful now.
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    I'm actually doing my 2nd round of Chalean Extreme and when I am done will be starting TurboFire....once I complete that I am planning on doing a hybrid of the 2!! Good luck to you!

    Thank you! I've been interested in Chalean Extreme--may do the opposite of what you did! Good luck on your TF and hybrid!
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    This is my fave workout! I love TurboFire. Chalean is a great motivator and before I know it the workout is done and I'm drenched. Good luck in your journey! I would recommend this workout to anyone that can keep up with a fast paced workout.

    Thank you for the motivation! Have you found success with TF in terms of energy, weight, flexibility?