When is thin TOO thin?



  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    I am sorry to say but you are WAY too skinny!! 96 lbs at 5'6" makes me think that you may have anorexic tendencies.
    Why would you say this? She hasn't said anything that indicated an eating disorder. I had similar stats when I was her age. It's very difficult for some people to gain weight.
    Did you read the last sentence, it states:
    Please believe me that I am not saying that you are anorexic but your weight is scary. If you do not gain you may start getting sick soon. Please take care! She stated she is concerned...
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I am sorry to say but you are WAY too skinny!! 96 lbs at 5'6" makes me think that you may have anorexic tendencies.
    Why would you say this? She hasn't said anything that indicated an eating disorder. I had similar stats when I was her age. It's very difficult for some people to gain weight.
    Did you read the last sentence, it states:
    Please believe me that I am not saying that you are anorexic but your weight is scary. If you do not gain you may start getting sick soon. Please take care! She stated she is concerned...
    Putting a disclaimer at the end doesn't make it less hurtful to say someone has anorexic tendencies.
  • lauren3382
    lauren3382 Posts: 372 Member
    When I was your age I was 98 pounds (I'm 5'6" as well). No matter what I did, I couldn't gain weight. People were constantly accusing me of an eating disorder, which was so far from the truth. Yes, I was active, but I just have a very fast metabolism. At 31, I'm still pretty thin at 117lbs even after two kids, but it is not unhealthy. Part of it just may be the way you are and that's okay! You're beautiful! Embrace it and try and gain in healthy ways. I would definitely try strength training if you aren't already doing it.
  • jgunn81
    jgunn81 Posts: 243 Member
    to me, thin is too thin when you can see bones poking out everywhere...

    or when said bones poke and bruise me during "naughty time" :laugh:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    When I was your age I was 98 pounds (I'm 5'6" as well). No matter what I did, I couldn't gain weight. People were constantly accusing me of an eating disorder, which was so far from the truth. Yes, I was active, but I just have a very fast metabolism. At 31, I'm still pretty thin at 117lbs even after two kids, but it is not unhealthy. Part of it just may be the way you are and that's okay! You're beautiful! Embrace it and try and gain in healthy ways. I would definitely try strength training if you aren't already doing it.

    You're adorable :)

    And putting on weight used to be sooooo hard. Then 21 hit and BAM, my *kitten* got huge *LOL*
  • AnitaVolpato
    AnitaVolpato Posts: 204 Member
    Don't sweat it, if you are eating and drinking your water. I was always really thin till I was around 34 years old.. Even after two children I always stayed around 96-105 lbs, granted I am only 5'2". I don't know about the whole period concept with normal women because gymnasts sometimes go through Amenorrhea and they are tiny and healthy. I was one when I was younger. I am 37 now and just gave birth 10 months ago and I am huge (for me). 158 lbs.. so maybe it does come with age. I noticed it started creeping up on me around 34, 35... I went up to 125-130.... good luck if you are trying to gain and don't stress yourself out. Being thin isn't a bad thing unless you are crack *kitten* skinny, that is noticeable.. ha ha ha ...........Smile!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Good for you for taking steps to get to a healthy weight. It can be even harder for some people to gain weight than to lose, so try not to be discouraged. Dancing is burning a lot of extra calories, on top of you probably having a speedy metabolism by genetics (since your mother is also very thin). Try really hard to stick to the 3000 calorie plan. You could maybe talk to your doctor about supplementing with weight gainers like body builders use? That way, you aren't trying to over fill your stomach with a lot of junk food and you get a lot of protein so you can gain muscle as well as healthy fat (the body does need some fat to function properly, which is why you are missing periods).
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    And putting on weight used to be sooooo hard. Then 21 hit and BAM, my *kitten* got huge *LOL*
    I drank milkshakes every day so I could break 100 pounds... I wish it had stayed a little hard!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    And putting on weight used to be sooooo hard. Then 21 hit and BAM, my *kitten* got huge *LOL*
    I drank milkshakes every day so I could break 100 pounds... I wish it had stayed a little hard!

    I ate taco bell, topper's breadsticks with ranch, and culver's turtle milkshakes daily *LOL*
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    In your opinion when is thin too thin? When you lose your period? When your friends and family start commenting on your thinness?
    When your bmi is low? I am trying to gain weight because I am too thin. Some people might think its crazy to try to actually try to gain weight but appently I am too thin. What is your opinion on being too thin?

    BMI is a good start, but it doesn't factor in your muscle mass, bone structure, etc....BUT for the record most modeling agencies have taken a stand against highering models below a healthy BMI. Notice models are still skinny as ever living hell, so if you're thinner than that you're definitely too thin!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am sorry to say but you are WAY too skinny!! 96 lbs at 5'6" makes me think that you may have anorexic tendencies. A healthy weight range for a woman that is 5'6" is about 118 - 155 lbs. Anywhere in that range is a healthy weight and BMI.
    Please believe me that I am not saying that you are anorexic but your weight is scary. If you do not gain you may start getting sick soon. Please take care!

    She is not anorexic, I can attest to that. I wish people would not throw that word about willy nilly whenever anyone is underweight. She tries very hard to gain weight, so maybe read her posts before making assumptions.
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    I'd probably use primarily an estimate of body fat percentage to determine how thin is too thin (below 14% for females), although BMI can be helpful as well. I think BMI may not be a good indicator of health if you have a lot of muscle, but it generally provides a reasonable range. Going by your BMI, it does sound as if you are a bit underweight, and it's good that you recognize this.

    I would suggest that you lay off on cardio and work on some strength training as you gain weight. That way you gain muscle in combination with fat. If you want to continue dancing, that should be fine-- just don't do a bunch of running, etc. on top of that. If you do enjoy cardio, try to keep the sessions on the shorter side and your calories up.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Sorry if any of my posts upset you--I did read your post in the wrong tone and thought you were not sure if you were underweight or not. Good luck to you!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am sorry to say but you are WAY too skinny!! 96 lbs at 5'6" makes me think that you may have anorexic tendencies. A healthy weight range for a woman that is 5'6" is about 118 - 155 lbs. Anywhere in that range is a healthy weight and BMI.
    Please believe me that I am not saying that you are anorexic but your weight is scary. If you do not gain you may start getting sick soon. Please take care!

    She is not anorexic, I can attest to that. I wish people would not throw that word about willy nilly whenever anyone is underweight. She tries very hard to gain weight, so maybe read her posts before making assumptions.

    I had a friend in high school who was 5'7" and 99 pounds. She ate like you wouldn't believe. She wanted to weight at least 100 pounds. She would eat a lot and lift weights to try to tip the scale and no matter what she did, she could not get to 100 pounds.

    Some people are just naturally very thin. Height and weight (especially for young women) is only part of the equation in determining health and whether someone has an eating disorder.

    I don't know anything about the OP, so I can't say she is anorexic or not, but it's entirely possible she's perfectly healthy physically and mentally.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I am sorry to say but you are WAY too skinny!! 96 lbs at 5'6" makes me think that you may have anorexic tendencies.
    Why would you say this? She hasn't said anything that indicated an eating disorder. I had similar stats when I was her age. It's very difficult for some people to gain weight.


    She says she's eating healthily, doesn't mention drastically cutting calories. And dancers burn a helluvalot of calories.

    I was 5'8" and 108 lbs and didn't look unhealthy. My body fat percentage was still fairly high, so my doctor wasn't concerned.
    For people being rude and calling the OP "sickly" -- have you actually seen her? Most dancers have tinier frames. You could be 5'6" with a small frame and only 100 lbs, or 5'6" and 130 lbs and still be considered healthy. That BMI chart is just a guideline.

    OP, I'm happy to hear that you're doing what's best for you :)
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    Fiona Apple
  • HollywoodDJ
    HollywoodDJ Posts: 296
    Remember this is called MY FITNESS PAL.....not my weightloss pal......Your health should come first. Family and fiends sometimes have a distorted view of whats healthy and what isn't.....but please remember to stay healthy and keep that first hunne!
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I have no input really. Just wanted to say kudos to you for trying to be healthier. I have a friend who is also very thin. Gaining weight when you're very thin is as difficult as, if not more so, than losing weight.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    You're too thin when your weight and/or your feeding habits affect your health.

    Losing your period because your body cannot sustain it is a sure sign that your health is affected. Here are some other signs that you should try to put on weight:

    - Coarse thick hairs in places you didn't used to grow them (your body grows these to keep warm if your body fat is too low to do the job)
    - Too cold all the time
    - Brittle hair
    - Weakness
    - Tired from normal activity
    - Easily get sick

    BMI isn't the best of indicators, but it is one used by doctors. A BMI of 16 is very underweight in most cases (but not all).

    In fact, a BMI of 16 is so low that if it is accompanied by other things like trying to lose more weight, refusal to eat, fear of food, that sort of thing, it is one of the criteria used to diagnose anorexia nervosa.

    Please note that just a BMI of 16 by itself does not an anorexia diagnosis make, for the many good reasons stated elsewhere in this thread. OP could be eating just fine and have other reasons for her weight than mental ones.
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    And putting on weight used to be sooooo hard. Then 21 hit and BAM, my *kitten* got huge *LOL*
    I drank milkshakes every day so I could break 100 pounds... I wish it had stayed a little hard!

    I ate taco bell, topper's breadsticks with ranch, and culver's turtle milkshakes daily *LOL*
    My thing was a coke and chili cheese nachos from the school snack bar every day, and I hovered around 130 at 6' tall. And then came college... lol :smile: I did have bouts of amenorrhea, but that was mostly during track season. :smile:

    OP: You're definitely on the thin side, but considering the amount of activities you have, and the fact that both your parents are thin as well, you're probably just fine.:smile: I would think that you're on the right track with your eating. Just make sure to keep going to your doctor's appointments. Also, I'm sure they probably already checked all these sorts of things, but just in case you may want to have yourself checked for any possible mitigating factors, such as hyperthyroidism, chrone's, or the like.