back on track and then......

hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Sooooooo i finally get back on track eating healthy and good food again......and thennnnn I'm sooo eccstactic to hear from my best friend who i havent seen in almost a year!!!.......welllllllllll she wants to get together and go to our old eating we even have our own little table there that we claimed rights to when we were 16. :laugh: :laugh: .....welllllll its a buffet mostly.....its sposed to be a salad buffet....which it truely was only a salad buffet when i was 13......but over the course of time it turned into a delicious fried chicken buffet with rolls and desserts and potato wedges that u can smother in melted cheese and bacon bits....along with mini corn dogs and sometimes these delicious deep fried like cream corn fritter things?......wellllll anyway i have a feeling i am going to PIG out tomorrow.........howwwwww do i walk by all the yummy fried foods without eating it?....not to mention I love love love love love their house ranch and usually smother my salad in it.....and when i say smother i mean SMOTHER.......She actually once asked me jokingly because she does the same thing.....u want some salad with that dressing....oh boy please please please someone out there let me have the strength to eat good tomorrow night and not be the cow of the place who eats 10-15plates that are a foot high off of each plate PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: ....... but aside from the food thing......i am sooooooooooo excited to see holly tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we've been best friends for over 13 yrs and somehow got into a small meaningless fight over stupid stuff and lost contaact.....i guess it doesnt help that we live 30miles away from eachother now either but still......that wouldve never stopped us before...ahhhhhhhh im excited


  • July
    July Posts: 239
    Some strategies I've found (buffets are my weakness):
    1. Eat a high fiber snack before you go
    2. Make sure you have plenty of water (I even bring my own!)
    3. Use the small salad plates or a bowl instead of the large dinner plates.
    4. Have only one layer of food - DON'T put food on top of food. Tell yourself, you can always go back for more.
    5. Try to eat only one kind of thing at a time. That way, you can focus on the taste. You can always go get another kind of thing later. All the getting up and down slows you down. For example, only allow yourself one desert at a time.
    6. Put a little bit of the nasty stuff on a bed of salad greens - it'll feel like you're eating more.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Make a NEW memory and find a different place to eat!! You will get to renew a friendship , explore a new territory and feel good about yourself later! Best wishes!!
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