Needing Plateau Help

I am getting so frustrated. I have hit my longest plateau ever! I have not lost a single pound since June 10th! Any suggestions? Should I cut back on the exercise? I eat more when I exercise, but still not netting 1200. I really try to eat those exercise calories back, but it is just too many. I have become a little obsessive about my workout, but only because I feel so good afterwards. These last 25 pounds are driving me CRAZY! I opened my diary to public views if anyone can take a look and help me out.


  • jessicalynn75
    jessicalynn75 Posts: 371 Member
    Bump. Added my strength training back in today and less cardio.
  • Dhemeyer
    Dhemeyer Posts: 157 Member
    Hello! Plateau's are so frustrating... but hopefully with just a few tweeks you'll be back on track.

    Definitely make sure you're consuming at least 1200 cals each day regardless of how much you are working out. My suggestion would be to set your calorie goal to 1200-1500 and stop tracking your exercise all together. Just focus on eating in that range and without taking into account how much your working out. I had very slow weightloss progress when I tried to eat back my cals. But things really took off when I found the right cal range to eat in and just focused on consuming that set goal.... does that make sense.

    It looks like you're eating pretty calorie heavy meals, perhaps try eating several equally balanced meals throughout the day to prevent yourself from feeling so full. Also, consider switching up your physical activity just a bit. Our bodies become efficient in our efforts over time, therefore as time passes it takes less energy to do the same activities.

    I don't want to overload you with info. So let me know if you'd like a few more suggestions
    Best wishes!