Adipex...weightloss pill that works?!



  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Thank you for your comment LaDogMom. I am going to just go without. I thought it was for me, but I am not too sure about it now.
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member

    I look forward to hearing from you with updates. Do you have a GNC

    We do have a GNC on base actually! What do you suggest I get from there?
  • tabstattooed
    stupid cat....u want her???

    anyhow do you have a GNC on base? You need to get the whey protien....(animal protien) is best. Soy is good but you need the WHEY. Gnc has better products, but you can get body fortress at wal mart 20 bucks for a 2 pound container. If this is something you really get into there are even better ones at

    If they taste too horrible add ice and fruit. You can add crystal lite or sugar free nesquick. Just play around with different things until you find a taste that is right for you. I have been drinking them since 2001.

    Many people in the gym have said once they increase their protien they start seeing some weight loss. Maybe it will work for you too.

    Well I gotta run for a bit I will check back on you when I get home.....going into Memphis to shop and look at a car....maybe even find a job....woohoo

  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    stupid cat....u want her???

    anyhow do you have a GNC on base? You need to get the whey protien....(animal protien) is best. Soy is good but you need the WHEY. Gnc has better products, but you can get body fortress at wal mart 20 bucks for a 2 pound container. If this is something you really get into there are even better ones at

    If they taste too horrible add ice and fruit. You can add crystal lite or sugar free nesquick. Just play around with different things until you find a taste that is right for you. I have been drinking them since 2001.

    Many people in the gym have said once they increase their protien they start seeing some weight loss. Maybe it will work for you too.

    Well I gotta run for a bit I will check back on you when I get home.....going into Memphis to shop and look at a car....maybe even find a job....woohoo


    I would love to have a pet! But I don't think cats like me too much!

    I am going tonight when I get off. I am going to stop by GNC and see what they have to offer. I just dont wanna gain anymore weight and I am scared that whey protein is going to do that to me. I heard that it makes you gain weight... if you get a certain kind or something. Hmm I do not know. I guess I will ask them there if they know which one to get. The people on base though do not seem to know to much about the products in the GNC. It is so fustrating.

    Have fun in Memphis! And goodluck with the job!

    :flowerforyou: Steph
  • sunlover67
    sunlover67 Posts: 158 Member
    Tammy and Steph,

    Have you had any problems with soy interfering with your thyroid med? I too am on synthroid, starting out with only 25 mcg as my level wasn't too bad. But then I started having a smoothie in the morning made with a cup of soy milk and whey protein that had soy in it and in a matter of days started to feel terrible. I stumbled upon something on line about soy interfering with thyroid meds, and that people with thyroid problems in general should avoid soy, so I made an appt with my dr. She tested my thyroid and it had doubled. She was unaware of soy having such an effect but did some research and did find studies on line saying such. So now we have upped my synthroid to 50 mcg and I have been about a month soy-free (which is very hard to do, it's in about everything if you read labels!) and I feel 100% better. I'm curious to see when I go back to the drs where my level is now and if I can go back down to 25 mcg. Every "body"s different, but maybe take a look at your soy consumption? I googled it and got tons of info.
    Hope this helps,
  • twilight1542
    I eat about 1400 calories a day, I have switched up my workouts every 2 months or so, my dr of endocrinology wont up my synthroid till oct, and my dietician said I should eat about 1200 calories a day. But I do eat on base. I am not a dorm rat, I mostly hang out off base with my bf. I have to eat on base, they take out about 328 dollars from my check so I kinda have no choice but to eat at the DEFAC. I am a vegetarian but I eat fish. But as you may know the military does not cook gourmet foods for us and they "healthy" options usually aren't healthy at all. I think a lot of what you said is a good idea. Like the protien shake after my workouts and I have been training for a half marathon which I will be attending next Saturday. I mean I think I am in good heatlh just stuck like chuck for some reason. I do have Power 90 and P90X so I plan to focus more on that and continue running once I return. I have focused mainly on running and here and there workouts for the past couple weeks. But we shall see what happens! Thank you for the advice I will def be taking you up on it. I was going to get those pills but I think your right, working out hard and lowering my calorie intake is def what I should continue to do.

    Your "net calories" (calories consumed-calories burned) should never be less than 1200 or you could go into starvation mode. So if your MFP goal is 1400 & you burn 500 calories working out, your net calories will only be 900. As far as switching up your routine goes, every 2 months might not be sufficient. Personally I have had the most success by switching up every few days between 4 different machines & strength. You body will get "used to" a workout in a week or two so the bulk of your 2 months your body is soo used to the workout that you aren't getting the beneffit you want.

    Just my 2 cents....Hope it helps :)
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Tammy and Steph,

    Have you had any problems with soy interfering with your thyroid med? I too am on synthroid, starting out with only 25 mcg as my level wasn't too bad. But then I started having a smoothie in the morning made with a cup of soy milk and whey protein that had soy in it and in a matter of days started to feel terrible. I stumbled upon something on line about soy interfering with thyroid meds, and that people with thyroid problems in general should avoid soy, so I made an appt with my dr. She tested my thyroid and it had doubled. She was unaware of soy having such an effect but did some research and did find studies on line saying such. So now we have upped my synthroid to 50 mcg and I have been about a month soy-free (which is very hard to do, it's in about everything if you read labels!) and I feel 100% better. I'm curious to see when I go back to the drs where my level is now and if I can go back down to 25 mcg. Every "body"s different, but maybe take a look at your soy consumption? I googled it and got tons of info.
    Hope this helps,

    I have actually looked into that too! I do drink soy milk and consume alot of soy products to replace the protein in my diet. I didn't really know what to believe though so I asked my Doc and she said that I would be fine eating the soy. But now that I hear someone else is experincing what I am maybe I need to think twice! Thanks again!
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    I eat about 1400 calories a day, I have switched up my workouts every 2 months or so, my dr of endocrinology wont up my synthroid till oct, and my dietician said I should eat about 1200 calories a day. But I do eat on base. I am not a dorm rat, I mostly hang out off base with my bf. I have to eat on base, they take out about 328 dollars from my check so I kinda have no choice but to eat at the DEFAC. I am a vegetarian but I eat fish. But as you may know the military does not cook gourmet foods for us and they "healthy" options usually aren't healthy at all. I think a lot of what you said is a good idea. Like the protien shake after my workouts and I have been training for a half marathon which I will be attending next Saturday. I mean I think I am in good heatlh just stuck like chuck for some reason. I do have Power 90 and P90X so I plan to focus more on that and continue running once I return. I have focused mainly on running and here and there workouts for the past couple weeks. But we shall see what happens! Thank you for the advice I will def be taking you up on it. I was going to get those pills but I think your right, working out hard and lowering my calorie intake is def what I should continue to do.

    Your "net calories" (calories consumed-calories burned) should never be less than 1200 or you could go into starvation mode. So if your MFP goal is 1400 & you burn 500 calories working out, your net calories will only be 900. As far as switching up your routine goes, every 2 months might not be sufficient. Personally I have had the most success by switching up every few days between 4 different machines & strength. You body will get "used to" a workout in a week or two so the bulk of your 2 months your body is soo used to the workout that you aren't getting the beneffit you want.

    Just my 2 cents....Hope it helps :)

    Yes this is true and I do factor that in. As far as the workout routine, I am starting up on Power 90 after I get back from my trip to OH. Which will be in a week or so. I am excited to start. So that is 90 days then after I will move on to P90X which I hope is as good as everyone claims! Thank you for you 2 cents :flowerforyou:
  • tabstattooed
    I do not consume any soy at all. I am gastric bypass and have to take in whey only.

    Any 100% whey protien at GNC will be fine. Make sure they are low glycemic. Usually 100-150 cals per serving and 25-50 gr protien.

    Whey protien is needed when trying to lose weight. There are some weight gainer shakes on the market. If you go in looking for whey protien shake poweder you should be ok. You dont want creatine...thats for body building.....

    Switching your routine is fine but I would get a routine and do it for a few weeks then switch, thats what my trainer had me doing. By routine I mean one weeks workout....not daily. You should not work the same muscle group every day. Muscles need 48 hour to repair themselves, because basically working out causes tears in the muscle....thats good tho thats how you build them up, but anyhow do cardio at least three times a week for at least 30 mins provided your heart rate is in the target heart rate zone for 20 mins, then mondays do legs, tuesdays arms, wednesday on and so forth. You can do abs daily....

    Be sure to count your protien shakes in your daily intake.....I suggest having one within 45 mins of weight need to weight train.....YOU WILL NOT BULK UP!!!!!!! That takes many months of hardcore dieting, training and major weights and reps.

    Yes your body gets used to the routines eventually but not in a day or two time. If you are not sure how to use a machine or proper form and technique....go to that and then search their exercises and watch the demos and so on.

    There are really good books for female weight training

    THE NEW RULES OF LIFTING FOR WOMEN....lift like a man, look like a goddess by Lou Schuler


    THE BODY SCULPTING BIBLE FOR WOMEN byJames Villapigue & Hugo Rivera


    all available

    I highly encourage you to invest in one if not all of the above.

    Weight loss is a very tricky thing....I am still battling it after 8 yrs having had gastric bypass. This will be a lifelong journey for does not go away, only in remission..... did my trip to Memphis go....well I got a cute pair of capri sweats and a hoodie for 70% off each.....19 bucks for what was originally 70ish

    ate salad at Olive Garden

    and found a bad looking Firebird we might buy......its like a 91 but low miles and super wicked looking. I am tired of my wee little 5ft tall body jumping out of the big ole diesel dually.....its so manly.

    did see many places at the mall are hiring.....I am getting a job cuz I am bored.....

    I am three textbooks from finishing my fitness and nutrition class....yay.....

    have a good evening....
  • babiegurl47
    i have been on adapex for 2 months and have lost 12 lbs. the dosage was changed so it is not as strong as it used to be. you still get hungry on it but it helps you not go overboard. my dr prescribed them to me for 6 months and no more after that. i also have to meet with a nutritionist every 3 weeks so i learn how to chage my eating habits. i have not had any side effects other than the first 3 days your body kind of feels "drunk" sometimes. once your body is used to it that goes away.