what ?? weight gain?

I dont understand this at all. I have been sticking to my diet exercizing almost every day id have to say 6 days out of 7. Plus i do tummy crunches 180 benches 90 and leg lifts 60 every day. I have been on this site for almost two weeks now and it seems like my weight loss has slowed to a hault. I lost 5 lbs prior to joining this siyte. When i joined up it seems that i was supposed to be taking in less calories excetera so i did as it said now the scale wont move. this morning when i woke up and weighed myself the scale says i gained apound from yesterday. How can that be??

HELP I dont understand


  • lietee
    lietee Posts: 189 Member
    I dont understand this at all. I have been sticking to my diet exercizing almost every day id have to say 6 days out of 7. Plus i do tummy crunches 180 benches 90 and leg lifts 60 every day. I have been on this site for almost two weeks now and it seems like my weight loss has slowed to a hault. I lost 5 lbs prior to joining this siyte. When i joined up it seems that i was supposed to be taking in less calories excetera so i did as it said now the scale wont move. this morning when i woke up and weighed myself the scale says i gained apound from yesterday. How can that be??

    HELP I dont understand
  • GoBucks614
    You shouldn't weigh yourself everyday. Bodyweight can change up to 5 lbs during the day. If you must check often, I would once a week AT THE SAME TIME (i.e. morning). Personally, I check mine every 7-10 days.
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    It could be that you are gaining muscle, or if you have started eating less it may be that because of all the working out you actually need to eat more then you are. Maybe start going back to a middle ground between what you ate when you were losing and what you eat now and see if it helps. On the good side though if it is all muscle it will help you start burning more calories throughout the day, so eventually the added muscle weight should help you see a weight loss.

    Good luck, and stick with it!
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    Ok, I'm going to continue to be the disciple of banks... :smile:

    If you don't know what I mean let me explain.

    This site will put almost everyone at 1200 calories if you want to lose 2lbs a week. What it doesn't look at is each persons individual BMR, which in some cases can be more calories. Your BMR are the total calories your body needs to just function. Meaning if you just layed in bed all day those are the calories you burn. Going below this can begin the effect we all love and know called "starvation" mode. Your body will try and retain any calories you are putting in to feed it.

    Now obviously from what you have posted you are not laying in bed all day. Have you calculated your BMR. You can do this under the "tools" section of the site. You can then manually adjust your daily caloric needs under your goals section to what your BMR is.

    I started out on this site eating 1200 a day plus my earned exercise calories most days. I lost a steady 1 -2 lbs a week. Then I upped my calories to my BMR and now lose a steady 2 - 3 lbs a week. More calories and more weight loss.

    Hope that helps.

  • lietee
    lietee Posts: 189 Member
    ok my bmr is 1509 and the site is telling me to take in 1200 and i burn approx 375 doing my exercizes so how many cals should i eat????
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    ok my bmr is 1509 and the site is telling me to take in 1200 and i burn approx 375 doing my exercizes so how many cals should i eat????

    If your BMR is 1509 then I would suggest eat 1509 every day, no matter how much or how little you workout. Eat that even on days you don't workout. That is the amount of calories your body needs just to run your organs and keep you living. If you workout and are hungry then you can eat some of those extra calories you burned during working out.

    This is what I've done and I have seen increased weight loss.

    You can manually adjust your daily calorie intake in the goals section