New Here in Indiana

Hi. I just had my 3rd little girl, Londyn and I have not lost the weight from my two older little girls who are 3 and 1. I want to lose 20 lbs and need motivation to stick with it. Does anyone live in Indiana? I want to be more active and show my little girls that it's fun to be active. Thanks!


  • johnnys30
    johnnys30 Posts: 64 Member
    Yep, Lafayette here. When I started using MFP I had been taking supplements and working out 3 times a week but not seeing the scale move any. I didn't eat a lot, but there were a lot more calories in things than I thought. Mostly a lot of restaurant food. Since getting a target here and tracking I'm down 8 lbs in 4 weeks while going to the gym 4 times a week too.

    Seeing results makes it easy to stick with the plan.
  • afritsch1
    afritsch1 Posts: 2
    I am from Indiana. I live about an hour north of Indy.
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    Hi fellow Hoosiers!
    I am in South Bend (where the University of Notre Dame is located). I've been on MFP since March 11. I really love the site, my MFP friends, and all of the accountability that comes with it.

    I'm always looking for new, supportive friends. :)
  • doulanik
    doulanik Posts: 84
    I'm in Lafayette. I want to lose 48 more lbs (I'm down 19 so far). I have 2 daughters (4 and almost 2) and I babysit a newborn boy. Feel free to add me! I log in every day.
  • tree145
    tree145 Posts: 4
    I am south-side of Indy (Wanamaker). When I first started MFP, I lost 60lbs..I slacked off and now back on track! I have 2 teenagers and a 3 year old. We do Wii Fitness, she loves it, the hula hoop is fun and burns the calories! Feel free to add me, I am on everyday!
