Question about Immatrex



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I recently (past few years) have started to get migranes. I was really scared at first especially by the visual effects. My dad recently had brain surgery so I was very freaked out. After seeing my doc and getting tests done it was determined to be migranes. However, I have also found out recently that I have some pretty severe allergies that I was not aware of (e.g. milk). One of symptoms I get from these allergies is migranes. So it might be worthwhile to get an allergy test to see if you can identify some triggers. Of course there could and probably are other triggers (e.g. stress, strong perfumes, etc) but being able to identify any triggers should be able to help you avoid getting migraines and thus also avoid taking medication.

    Good luck:flowerforyou:

    My triggers are stress (duh) and storm fronts moving in (change in barometric pressure) and severe lack of sleep and/or crying. (Those last two tend to go hand in hand for me. :ohwell: )
  • leavinglasvegas
    Well, it didn't work for me. Actually made it worse. I feel like thngs are touching me and there is nothing there. I felt like there was fire in my veins and I got really dizzy. I took the second pill and laid down for a while between my classes. I bombed my quiz tonight and I still have the pain in the right side of my head. I don't have a headache, I am sure of that now. But there is something causing the pain. Have you ever gotten hit hard in the side of your head? Thats how it feels, only it went from lasting a few seconds to all day. At least I tried, but I will not take that stuff again. This has been the worst day, glad I can go to bed now.

  • Veronica320
    I have the exact same problem, only on the left side behind my eye/temple. My doctor also did an MRI and ruled out any masses,etc. She put me on the same thing. All it did was knock me out (I've never responded well to stuff like that.) That sucked. I can't take it at work because I need to function. So, at this point, I'm just trying to live with it (although, it's not easy). A lot of the time I just want to put a blanket over my face, turn down the tv, and try to sleep. Hope you find something, anything that works better than Immatrex!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I took Topomax for migraines/seizures and had sensory hallucinations. I felt like my hair was caught in my mouth.... you know, like the wind blew it into your face and it caught at the corner of your mouth? Well, I felt like that all day long, constantly brushing it away from the right corner of my mouth.... except there was never hair there... just felt like it.

    That was one of the crazy side effects I had for topomax. I quit that med after only a couple weeks.

    I hope you are able to find something for your migraines that works, Cullen!!
  • jmacarthur
    Isn't it wierd about all the possible side affects pharmacueticals can make you feel?

    I do take Imitrex, and have for many years. i also take high blood pressure meds, and that seems to help keep them at bay, even though i do not have highBP. There are many different types of migraine meds out there, that work in different ways, so unfortunately it takes trial and error to find the right one :ohwell:

    Within the 1st 30 mins. my jaw feels strange, but that goes away pretty quickly. I can almost feel the veins in my next constricting- I know it sounds wierd, but these temp side effects are better than the migraine. I am usually wiped out by then and have to sleep it off for a couple hours. It helps to have an ice pack on both the base of my head and on my forehead until it goes away. I use the reuseable gel packs-they are soft and flexible. I should also mention that I also take 2 naproxen sodium (Aleve) when I take yhe Imitrex. This is the equivalent to the new Treximet.

    When I was pregnant with my daughter, I suffered migraines practically twice a week and was desperate to try anything. I discovered chiropractic therapy and message therapy as an alternative. I didn't believe in it before then (and I am still a little leary about all its claims) but I had fewer and less severe migraines when I did that. Hope it helps!