A Few Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started

I am hardly trying to claim that I have become an expert but there are a few things that I have learned that I thought might be useful for someone else who is just kicking things off.

Accurately evaluating the calories that you lose during exercise is critical. I have found a lot of help from having a Polar H7 heart rate monitor and the digifit application on my iPhone 4S.

The information that comes back at the end of the workout, and the real time information provided is really invaluable to be sure that the huge effort you are putting into the workout is as effective as possible.

Get some help selecting a shoe that is correct for the way you walk or run. I have been battling a knee that I hurt simply because I was in the wrong shoe. I found help from a running store and things got better almost instantly.

A protein shake in the morning is very simple, tastes pretty good with fresh fruit, and helps get you off to a great start.

Check out the deli's at your favorite grocery store. Some really fresh, lower calorie, great tasting food.

Hope these tips help at least one person. I have a long ways left on my journey and I look forward to learning much more from all the smart people here.