Group Fitness Classes

Are these enough to lose weight and tone up? So far I do the LesMills Body Attack and RPM (spinning class). I also do Yoga and sometimes I add in a Zumba class. Would this be enough? I go about 5-6 times a week.

I get bored at the gym if I'm just running on the treadmill and I feel like I push myself more when I'm in a group.

Any opinions?

Thanks! :)


  • MalSponseller
    MalSponseller Posts: 217 Member
    Watching what I ate a bit and doing a version of Flirty Girl Fitness at my university's gym last semester help me lose 9 lbs. Of course, I put it back on around finals time. Considering I did FGF plus a day or two of step aerobics at home a week and lost some weight, I would think with all you're doing you should definitely be able to as well.