Hit a Plateau, any advice?



  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member

    If you dive into the details more, you will see many of these were on vlcd (800-1200) and on liquid diets. What I am saying though, you can eat below BMR and not have an adverse affect on your metabolism. And I have yet to see any study on obese or normal weight person that suggest eating below your BMR will affect your metaboic rate.
    I never said it would have an adverse effect either. I was just adding more info
    I haven't seen any study that suggests eating below BMR is good for general fitness so I guess we are in the same boat
  • JGunccRugby
    My physician and dietician both set my caloric intake below my bmr
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    My physician and dietician both set my caloric intake below my bmr

    Do you have a large weight and BF% to drop? I am genuinely curious, I would assume that a doctor would be less likely to state such a goal for people with a small number to loose and who all ready have a lower BF%.

    Thats just my opinion
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    Also I stated for general fitness, not just weight lose. Did your doctor recommend you eat below your BMR while you are partaking in a cardio and resistance training program?