Fourth of July food?



  • NYChick84
    NYChick84 Posts: 331 Member
    I'm rolling over and grabbing the beer....and will not put it down til I go to bed. I will also proceed to stuff my face with WHATEVER my heart desires followed by various drinking games and then going into the city to watch the Fireworks! Coming home, and resuming the party even more til I pass out on my float in my pool. After all, America's b-day only comes once a year! lol Party hard!!
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    I'm rolling over and grabbing the beer....and will not put it down til I go to bed. I will also proceed to stuff my face with WHATEVER my heart desires followed by various drinking games and then going into the city to watch the Fireworks! Coming home, and resuming the party even more til I pass out on my float in my pool. After all, America's b-day only comes once a year! lol Party hard!!

    now THERE's a chick who knows how to enjoy a holiday! ;)
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    i love buffalo dip thanks for sharing
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    I usually would just eat whatever's available, since it's a holiday, but my birthday is Saturday so I'll be doing the huge dinner/cake thing with my family Friday and the Lake Erie Islands on Saturday, and I'll want to enjoy myself then, so I'm trying to think of something healthy for the 4th.

    My boyfriend has a big party every year and I offered to bring something, but I'm having a hard time thinking of something healthy, relatively cheap, and large enough to feed more than just me. A turkey taco salad doesn't sound bad! But bump because I hope people do come up with some good ideas before tomorrow.
  • Lonewolf1507
    Lonewolf1507 Posts: 507 Member
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    these threads are funny.

    im going to start with booze...likely white wine...might even get a bottle of hard stuff.
    we'll have apps...scoops with maybe spinach artichoke dip, maybe buffalo dip if there's time.

    then the grill gets fired up. there will be burgers, dogs, and sausages on it...and because im indecisive, i'll likely have some of each. burgers will need to have a lovely bleu cheese or gorgonzola crumbled on top. maybe bacon. no, eff that...DEF bacon. and lots of it.
    sides of potato salad and cobs of corn. pasta salad too.

    dessert will be brought by guests, so who knows what we'll wind up with....but in an effort to be polite, i'll have some of each.

    time for fireworks.

    back to the house.

    another burger, more booze. "who wants another dessert?" *raises hand*

    i will have run that morning, so that's good.
    might even run on thursday (my off day), but no promises.

    the best part...
    i will have done NO damage to my progress.
    I'm going to this guy's July 4th. :O
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    these threads are funny.

    im going to start with booze...likely white wine...might even get a bottle of hard stuff.
    we'll have apps...scoops with maybe spinach artichoke dip, maybe buffalo dip if there's time.

    then the grill gets fired up. there will be burgers, dogs, and sausages on it...and because im indecisive, i'll likely have some of each. burgers will need to have a lovely bleu cheese or gorgonzola crumbled on top. maybe bacon. no, eff that...DEF bacon. and lots of it.
    sides of potato salad and cobs of corn. pasta salad too.

    dessert will be brought by guests, so who knows what we'll wind up with....but in an effort to be polite, i'll have some of each.

    time for fireworks.

    back to the house.

    another burger, more booze. "who wants another dessert?" *raises hand*

    i will have run that morning, so that's good.
    might even run on thursday (my off day), but no promises.

    the best part...
    i will have done NO damage to my progress.
    I'm going to this guy's July 4th. :O

    cmon over! bring a dessert, and prepare for a little pre party 2.5mi jog...either before or after a shot of hornitos. ;)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I plan on having turkey polish sausage on the grill, with corn on the cob and watermelon, maybe some baked lays. And do LOTS of swimming and water games, doing water volleyball and chasing the grandkids with water balloons can burn some calories.LoL. Oh and also walk to the parade and back. it is about a mile from my house. A fun day with my family without going overboard and getting in some exercise in a fun way........:smile:
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    these threads are funny.

    im going to start with booze...likely white wine...might even get a bottle of hard stuff.
    we'll have apps...scoops with maybe spinach artichoke dip, maybe buffalo dip if there's time.

    then the grill gets fired up. there will be burgers, dogs, and sausages on it...and because im indecisive, i'll likely have some of each. burgers will need to have a lovely bleu cheese or gorgonzola crumbled on top. maybe bacon. no, eff that...DEF bacon. and lots of it.
    sides of potato salad and cobs of corn. pasta salad too.

    dessert will be brought by guests, so who knows what we'll wind up with....but in an effort to be polite, i'll have some of each.

    time for fireworks.

    back to the house.

    another burger, more booze. "who wants another dessert?" *raises hand*

    i will have run that morning, so that's good.
    might even run on thursday (my off day), but no promises.

    the best part...
    i will have done NO damage to my progress.

    ^^^This, almost exactly. Except no bacon or blue cheese (but lots of guacamole), and I'm making both desserts (coconut-lime bars and brownies) myself, 'cause I'm an over-achiever that way.
  • reankanesmom
    reankanesmom Posts: 132 Member
    We are doing a block party just at our house we are doing carne asada(with all the stuff to go with it) hotdogs for the kids,corn on the cob, potato salad, fruit salad(no cool whip), chips and salsa, baked beans and whatever anyone is bringing. Beer, tea, soda, juice for drinks and of course water. I am really picky eater as funny as that sound so my hubs is bbqing a chicken breast for me(I do nto eat carne asada and will only eat certain type of hotdog) probably stay away from the potato salad because it will wind up making me sick as a dog but will be doing fruit salad. We live in the desert so more then likely I will not eat much due to being outside and will eat a decent lunch. I will however be having a beer or two. LOL
  • kimnaaron4ever
    We are having chicken & steak kabobs with grilled corn on the cob, and a low-cal red potato salad ( & my girls and I are making a Red, White & Blue Trifle (also from, made with angel food cake, fat free cool whip, strawberries & blueberries. Oh and I'll be having mojitos to drink, while the hubs will probably have beer, and the girlies have been promised Shirley Temples! Trying to have a fun family cook-out while maintaining our healthier eating!:wink:
  • his_kid1
    his_kid1 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm making this pasta salad:

    and also dilled sweet/sour cucumbers

    Also, providing s'mores stuff, although I will just have a few toasted marshmallows.

    Other people are making burgers/hot dogs, a cake, potato salad, watermelon, and who knows what else.

    I'm logging in advance:

    1 hamburger with bun & mayo
    1 piece of watermelon
    1 cup pasta salad
    1 serving cucumbers
    1 sm. piece of cake
    4 marshmallows (this will be several hours after the meal, and I LOVE toasted marshmallows, lol)
  • SandyAnnP
    SandyAnnP Posts: 252 Member
    these threads are funny.

    im going to start with booze...likely white wine...might even get a bottle of hard stuff.
    we'll have apps...scoops with maybe spinach artichoke dip, maybe buffalo dip if there's time.

    then the grill gets fired up. there will be burgers, dogs, and sausages on it...and because im indecisive, i'll likely have some of each. burgers will need to have a lovely bleu cheese or gorgonzola crumbled on top. maybe bacon. no, eff that...DEF bacon. and lots of it.
    sides of potato salad and cobs of corn. pasta salad too.

    time for fireworks.

    back to the house.

    another burger, more booze. "who wants another dessert?" *raises hand*

    i will have run that morning, so that's good.
    might even run on thursday (my off day), but no promises.

    the best part...
    i will have done NO damage to my progress.

    Now that is what I call A PARTY!
    You are all making me hungry (read drool) and envious. I may have to think about moving to the U S of A. ( Well my grandson is already there in CA)
    I hope everyone is having a fabulous celebration! Sandy. :D
  • SoBodyMazing
    SoBodyMazing Posts: 159
    The 4th of July is one of my fav. holidays. So I ate just about everything. I will however be back on the wagon tomorrow :)
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    We are having steak, thin cut pork chops with jerk sauce and blackened, chicken marinated in herb & white wine, grilled corn on the cob, and broccoli.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    how big of a dent did everyone make & how is getting back in the grind working for you this am??? (or today) when my head hit the pillow @ midnight last night i was not too excited to get up @ 5, but i (painfully) rolled out of bed this am, and got my 1 of 2 workouts in... feel much btr than i would have i think.

    i also splurged and had a mt dew yesterday (not a big deal but i feel soooo much more draggy the day after consuming pops than on days that i don't ) so i'm extra tired, but refraining from buying another to get thru :D