intermittent fasting



  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
    Hello all, I have been looking for support, been trying to do the Warrior Fast, and I can go till almost Lunch time now, and then I have to eat, but I would like to fast for a whole day, perhaps twice a week. It is not so easy to just doing it. I do get Hunger Pangs, but I think the longer I can stretch out food the better I can cope and then perhaps do a day
  • krisbelle00
    krisbelle00 Posts: 88 Member
    Very interesting! Bumping this one.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    intermittent fasting-There is evidence suggesting that intermittent fasting may have beneficial effects on the health and longevity of animals—including humans—that are similar to the effects of caloric restriction (CR). There is currently no consensus as to the degree to which this is simply due to fasting or an (often) concomitant overall decrease in calories, but recent studies have showed support of the former[1][2] Alternate-day calorie restriction may prolong lifespan[3]. (IF and CR are forms of Dietary Restriction (DR), which is sometimes referred to as Dietary Energy Restriction (DER).)
    Scientific study of intermittent fasting in rats (and anecdotally in humans) was carried out at least as early as 1943

    So this is stated by wiki and other sites... It makes sense just from looking at how other lean people eat. I am going to give this a try starting next week after I come back for miami... and I will give it a go for 12 weeks and also give a weekly update on my SW and Progress till the end of the 12 weeks!!

    If anyone has done this life still of eating please comment below about the pros and cons

    Thank You
    It works. However, meal timing has been proven to be irrelevant and that includes eatin,g in a 8,10,16 hour window. Eat when you're hungry period. Oh and be wary of anyone saying that intermittent fasting is better than anything else. What matters is you hitting your macro targets by the end of the day.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Fast every night for around 8 9 hours
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
  • bii14
    bii14 Posts: 192
    fast from dawn to dusk for a month every year. It does help your system to relax and work properly. Plus helps you not be bloated all the time. For me its a religious thing but everyone should have a try at it. it makes you feel good inside and out!
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    been reading up a lot about it and think I may try the 16 hrs fast eating my 8hrs from 10am to 6pm daily. This was a good article.

    Same here I've just been reading Primal Blueprint and Mark Sisson promotes IF too so, never having fasted in my life, I was intrigued.
  • klpruitt7
    klpruitt7 Posts: 56 Member
    been reading up a lot about it and think I may try the 16 hrs fast eating my 8hrs from 10am to 6pm daily. This was a good article.

    Same here I've just been reading Primal Blueprint and Mark Sisson promotes IF too so, never having fasted in my life, I was intrigued.

    Are you doing the PB?? I have been reading a lot about it lateley also. Haven't gotten the book yet though.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    been reading up a lot about it and think I may try the 16 hrs fast eating my 8hrs from 10am to 6pm daily. This was a good article.

    Same here I've just been reading Primal Blueprint and Mark Sisson promotes IF too so, never having fasted in my life, I was intrigued.

    Are you doing the PB?? I have been reading a lot about it lateley also. Haven't gotten the book yet though.

    I'm moving towards this. I like his 80% rule rather than becoming all obsessed about it I made a few gradual changes into that direction.

    At first I stopped buying white bread, white pasta and white rice and stopped taking sugar in hot drinks.
    I stopped drinking cola etc.
    Then I reduced brown pasta, brown rice, potatoes.
    I still eat bread but usually avoid supermarket bread but bake my own rye.
    I upped my protein to be 1g per pound of lean mass (for me around 100g).
    I'm presently looking at my breakfast and moving away from cereals.

    It's a gradual thing for me but so far I'm feeling great on it in terms of energy levels. I started 7th June, so it's been 5 weeks for me and I've lost 9lb and 4" off my waist. :smile:
  • klpruitt7
    klpruitt7 Posts: 56 Member
    been reading up a lot about it and think I may try the 16 hrs fast eating my 8hrs from 10am to 6pm daily. This was a good article.

    Same here I've just been reading Primal Blueprint and Mark Sisson promotes IF too so, never having fasted in my life, I was intrigued.

    Are you doing the PB?? I have been reading a lot about it lateley also. Haven't gotten the book yet though.

    I'm moving towards this. I like his 80% rule rather than becoming all obsessed about it I made a few gradual changes into that direction.

    At first I stopped buying white bread, white pasta and white rice and stopped taking sugar in hot drinks.
    I stopped drinking cola etc.
    Then I reduced brown pasta, brown rice, potatoes.
    I upped my protein to be 1g per pound of lean mass (for me around 100g).
    I'm presently looking at my breakfast and moving away from cereals.

    It's a gradual thing for me but so far I'm feeling great on it in terms of energy levels. I started 7th June, so it's been 5 weeks for me and I've lost 9lb and 4" off my waist. :smile:

    That's awesome!! I pretty much started the same way you did, but I have been doing it for a few months, but not strict at all. I keep losing/gaining the same 3 pounds so I started reading up on PB. Maybe try to get a little more serious on this carb thing. I really like a lot of what he says. He makes sense. Good luck to you!!!
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    It's funny I yoyod a bit with the same pounds, but my BF kept reducing (I have measured from the start) and all of a sudden the scale moved again this week by 1.5 lb.

    I also started walking more and lifting again, so sometimes it's hard to know what's diet and what's training but it's all good.

    I feel A LOT better for trying to keep carbs lower. I used to probably have at least 300-400g of carbs in my diet... a lot of pasta, lots of toast, sugar in coffee, cereals etc. My energy levels were so non existent when there weren't carbs around. Now I try keep carbs under 100g and for most sugars to come from fruit. :flowerforyou:
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    Hmmm, never thought about this idea before but having read what everyone said and the links, and done some of my own research into IF and my medical conditions (Autoimmune Arthritis and skin issues, and PCOS) I think that doing this has the potential of really helping my health, and bumping my weight loss along better (as I've pretty much just been maintaining for the last few months :grumble: )

    I'm going with the 24hr fast, once a week, to start with I think, I love breakfast too much to skip that every day and I think a 24hr fast would be easier for my willpower level. After thinking about what meds I take when (I'm on immunosuppressant med for the Arthritis and need to have them after food) and what I do on certain days I've decided to start before Dinner on Monday (so 6pm ish), and finish at the same time on Tuesday.

    Any advice would be welcome, especially from other peeps doing IF with medical conditions similar to mine :-)
  • mrskatie80
    mrskatie80 Posts: 133 Member
    Day #14 for me doing 16/8 (most days around 18/6) daily fasts.
    Have lost over 5lbs and feeling amazing.
    I don't miss breakfast at all. Have one cup of coffee in the morning and that's it.
    I am LOVING it!! :)
  • nelnova
    nelnova Posts: 57 Member
    I fast using the leangains method. Read more about it on I skip breakfast except for coffee with a little bit of cream in it. I have been doing this for about 3 months now and don't plan to go back.


    I love having larger, more calorie-dense meals. Since I condense my calorie intake into a shorter time-frame, I'm allowed to enjoy larger, more satisfying meals. This makes it easier to stick to a daily caloric deficit since you don't feel like you are being deprived.
    Another positive to eating 2-3, larger meals versus 5-6 small meals per day is that since they are more calorie dense, you feel more satisfied and not hungry. When I ate several small meals per day, I was hungry all the time and constantly thinking about food. Now, I'm freed up to get on with the business of living and only think about food at lunch and dinner!


    It isn't magic. It has to be combined with a sensible eating plan (macros and calorie goals designed to help you meet your goals) in order to work. It simply helps facilitate meeting those goals since it helps you feel fuller and gets food out of the forefront of your mind.

    There is a transition period. Your body needs time to adjust to the changes. At first, you are likely to feel hungry, irritable, may take a few days or a few weeks, depending on the method you choose, for you body to get used to the new schedule.

    There is a helpful booklet called Experiments with Intermittent Fasting that I read by an author who tried several different IF methods and journaled about his experience. You can get it free here:

    thanks i will download that book!
  • nelnova
    nelnova Posts: 57 Member
    intermittent fasting-There is evidence suggesting that intermittent fasting may have beneficial effects on the health and longevity of animals—including humans—that are similar to the effects of caloric restriction (CR). There is currently no consensus as to the degree to which this is simply due to fasting or an (often) concomitant overall decrease in calories, but recent studies have showed support of the former[1][2] Alternate-day calorie restriction may prolong lifespan[3]. (IF and CR are forms of Dietary Restriction (DR), which is sometimes referred to as Dietary Energy Restriction (DER).)
    Scientific study of intermittent fasting in rats (and anecdotally in humans) was carried out at least as early as 1943

    So this is stated by wiki and other sites... It makes sense just from looking at how other lean people eat. I am going to give this a try starting next week after I come back for miami... and I will give it a go for 12 weeks and also give a weekly update on my SW and Progress till the end of the 12 weeks!!

    If anyone has done this life still of eating please comment below about the pros and cons

    Thank You
    It works. However, meal timing has been proven to be irrelevant and that includes eatin,g in a 8,10,16 hour window. Eat when you're hungry period. Oh and be wary of anyone saying that intermittent fasting is better than anything else. What matters is you hitting your macro targets by the end of the day.

    I got you ...I still will stay at a normal deficit but making sure i am consuming all of my macros
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    been reading up a lot about it and think I may try the 16 hrs fast eating my 8hrs from 10am to 6pm daily. This was a good article.

    Same here I've just been reading Primal Blueprint and Mark Sisson promotes IF too so, never having fasted in my life, I was intrigued.

    Are you doing the PB?? I have been reading a lot about it lateley also. Haven't gotten the book yet though.

    I'm moving towards this. I like his 80% rule rather than becoming all obsessed about it I made a few gradual changes into that direction.

    At first I stopped buying white bread, white pasta and white rice and stopped taking sugar in hot drinks.
    I stopped drinking cola etc.
    Then I reduced brown pasta, brown rice, potatoes.
    I still eat bread but usually avoid supermarket bread but bake my own rye.
    I upped my protein to be 1g per pound of lean mass (for me around 100g).
    I'm presently looking at my breakfast and moving away from cereals.

    It's a gradual thing for me but so far I'm feeling great on it in terms of energy levels. I started 7th June, so it's been 5 weeks for me and I've lost 9lb and 4" off my waist. :smile:
    I've got a friend who eats PB and she swears by oat-free oatmeal for breakfast in the mornings... There's a recipe on Mark's Daily Apple but my friend doesn't use eggs or almond milk. Just nuts and mix-ins, I believe. Loads of recipes out there so just look it up! :bigsmile:
  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
  • sharlowbrla
    hmmm. will have to think about that one.
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    intermittent fasting-There is evidence suggesting that intermittent fasting may have beneficial effects on the health and longevity of animals—including humans—that are similar to the effects of caloric restriction (CR). There is currently no consensus as to the degree to which this is simply due to fasting or an (often) concomitant overall decrease in calories, but recent studies have showed support of the former[1][2] Alternate-day calorie restriction may prolong lifespan[3]. (IF and CR are forms of Dietary Restriction (DR), which is sometimes referred to as Dietary Energy Restriction (DER).)
    Scientific study of intermittent fasting in rats (and anecdotally in humans) was carried out at least as early as 1943

    So this is stated by wiki and other sites... It makes sense just from looking at how other lean people eat. I am going to give this a try starting next week after I come back for miami... and I will give it a go for 12 weeks and also give a weekly update on my SW and Progress till the end of the 12 weeks!!

    If anyone has done this life still of eating please comment below about the pros and cons

    Thank You

    Have done Eat stop Eat for 4 weeks - no scale changes...not sure I am 100% sold on it at the moment....
  • onehihope
    onehihope Posts: 1 Member
    Just read your post from last year.. Was wondering if you ever tried IF. I just started on Monday, and am struggling.. I need to be more educated before I take this kind of leap. Thought I would check in and see how you did.. thanxs :tongue: