New, but not quite

Hello. I've been on here before, but have joined again under a new name for a new start. Hopefully this time it will stick! My starting weight was 215 the first time around, and right now I am at 192-194. I've steadily maintained this weight for a few months now. I would like to be down around 150. I don't have a set date for when I want to reach that by.


  • ambeerlou
    ambeerlou Posts: 1
    I am new here. just finishing my first week. I am 42 and my start weight was 255. it has taken me 2 years to get to where I am now @ 193. I spent alot of time/money on weight watchers (I am off weight watchers and started doing zumba). I have not been under 200lbs since I was in high school. Im pretty excited and scared at the same time.
    I would like to be at 150 also. I dont have a deadline.