I'm getting annoyed with constantly being told this

If one eats less than what one burns, one will lose weight.

It's not always the case, in my opinion. I get the science of it, I do. But it's not the same for every single person.

Just normal daily living burns about 2,000 calories. On a diet for nearly 3 months, I was eating 1200-1500 and in that 3 months, lost 3 lbs. I have hypothyroid, it's hard for me to lose weight. Why do people seem so hellbent on the theory of weight loss, isn't it different for everyone? Because I know it is for me. Maybe I'm the only one, like ever... but I know for a fact it's different for people with thyroid issues, and diabetes in some cases too.


  • hadlam83
    hadlam83 Posts: 140
    I agree it is different for everyone. Not just in weight loss but in everything somethings work well for some that doesn't work well for others!!
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    Yep, if I eat under 1,500 for a couple weeks all weight loss STOPS!
  • SithChicky
    SithChicky Posts: 74
    I agree it is different for everyone. Not just in weight loss but in everything somethings work well for some that doesn't work well for others!!

    I totally agree! I keep getting yelled at by all these people saying it's a simple science, eat less than you burn, but it's not that easy for some people! Especially with health issues. So here I am, trying yet again, and I refuse to let my stupid health issues defeat me again.
  • hadlam83
    hadlam83 Posts: 140
    Well keep trying, don't let it get you defeated. A healthier lifestyle is most important which includes monitoring what you're eating, portion control and exercise which is what this site is great for. Good Luck :)
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    People with issues that prevent weight loss in one form or another are the vast MINORITY.

    Advice given with regards to the scientific approach of weight loss (Thermodynamics) applies to the majority of people.

    I don't know anyone who has said otherwise.
  • cafqueen
    cafqueen Posts: 14 Member
    I agree! had my thyroid removed and on thyroid replacement and have a very difficult time losing weight. at 1200 cals a day and running 5-7km 3 days a week and doing other workouts as well, only lose maybe a pound a week if I'm lucky. MFP seems to think that I should be losing 2 lbs a week with my cals, no way!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    People with issues that prevent weight loss in one form or another are the vast MINORITY.

    Advice given with regards to the scientific approach of weight loss (Thermodynamics) applies to the majority of people.

    I don't know anyone who has said otherwise.

    Agreed with every word.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    If one eats less than what one burns, one will lose weight.

    It's not always the case, in my opinion. I get the science of it, I do. But it's not the same for every single person.

    Just normal daily living burns about 2,000 calories. On a diet for nearly 3 months, I was eating 1200-1500 and in that 3 months, lost 3 lbs. I have hypothyroid, it's hard for me to lose weight. Why do people seem so hellbent on the theory of weight loss, isn't it different for everyone? Because I know it is for me. Maybe I'm the only one, like ever... but I know for a fact it's different for people with thyroid issues, and diabetes in some cases too.

    For people with health related issues like this, the weight loss routine has to be different. HOWEVER for people without these health issues, it does work. You are right in a sense, but in the end it comes down to people who has health issues like yours, and people who doesn't have health issues that affect weight loss. For those people who have the health issues, no, the science is not going to work like it does in the other people. :/ Not being mean, trying to clear this up for you!
  • SithChicky
    SithChicky Posts: 74
    I agree! had my thyroid removed and on thyroid replacement and have a very difficult time losing weight. at 1200 cals a day and running 5-7km 3 days a week and doing other workouts as well, only lose maybe a pound a week if I'm lucky. MFP seems to think that I should be losing 2 lbs a week with my cals, no way!

    Yeah, I'm at 2 lbs a week now as well. My first day on the site was yesterday, so in two days, I dunno if I've lost anything, no scale at my house which is probably a good thing. My thyroid is super low and I'm on medication for it. The doctors said on the meds, it would help with weight loss and my sleep patterns, I notice no difference in either.
  • SithChicky
    SithChicky Posts: 74
    If one eats less than what one burns, one will lose weight.

    It's not always the case, in my opinion. I get the science of it, I do. But it's not the same for every single person.

    Just normal daily living burns about 2,000 calories. On a diet for nearly 3 months, I was eating 1200-1500 and in that 3 months, lost 3 lbs. I have hypothyroid, it's hard for me to lose weight. Why do people seem so hellbent on the theory of weight loss, isn't it different for everyone? Because I know it is for me. Maybe I'm the only one, like ever... but I know for a fact it's different for people with thyroid issues, and diabetes in some cases too.

    For people with health related issues like this, the weight loss routine has to be different. HOWEVER for people without these health issues, it does work. You are right in a sense, but in the end it comes down to people who has health issues like yours, and people who doesn't have health issues that affect weight loss. For those people who have the health issues, no, the science is not going to work like it does in the other people. :/ Not being mean, trying to clear this up for you!

    that's what I'm saying. People need to understand that it doesn't work for EVERYONE. I'm sick of people saying, if you do this and this, you'll lose weight. It doesn't work like that for people like myself. I totally get the science of it, I'm just saying, it doesn't work for everyone like so many people seem to think.
  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    If one eats less than what one burns, one will lose weight.

    It's not always the case, in my opinion. I get the science of it, I do. But it's not the same for every single person.

    Just normal daily living burns about 2,000 calories. On a diet for nearly 3 months, I was eating 1200-1500 and in that 3 months, lost 3 lbs. I have hypothyroid, it's hard for me to lose weight. Why do people seem so hellbent on the theory of weight loss, isn't it different for everyone? Because I know it is for me. Maybe I'm the only one, like ever... but I know for a fact it's different for people with thyroid issues, and diabetes in some cases too.

    Soooo... you ARE eating less than you are burning AND you are losing weight... so it is the same for you?!?!?! What's the problem?
  • cafqueen
    cafqueen Posts: 14 Member
    stick with it, it takes time! I've been at it for a while! it will happen
  • SithChicky
    SithChicky Posts: 74
    If one eats less than what one burns, one will lose weight.

    It's not always the case, in my opinion. I get the science of it, I do. But it's not the same for every single person.

    Just normal daily living burns about 2,000 calories. On a diet for nearly 3 months, I was eating 1200-1500 and in that 3 months, lost 3 lbs. I have hypothyroid, it's hard for me to lose weight. Why do people seem so hellbent on the theory of weight loss, isn't it different for everyone? Because I know it is for me. Maybe I'm the only one, like ever... but I know for a fact it's different for people with thyroid issues, and diabetes in some cases too.

    Soooo... you ARE eating less than you are burning AND you are losing weight... so it is the same for you?!?!?! What's the problem?

    3 months of busting my butt and 3 lbs? No it's not the same for me. I should be losing way more than that if you look into the science I'm talking about. It's not the same for everyone.
  • SithChicky
    SithChicky Posts: 74
    stick with it, it takes time! I've been at it for a while! it will happen

    I am definitely sticking to it this time, thank you.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    At the end of the day the calories in vs calories out is still true. It may occur slower for you due to your condition but your weight is still just fat so your body is still getting more calories than it feels it needs to run the show. Take what medicine you need and push on. I was not born with my sister's metabolism (they can eat whatever they like and will still be 125) but that doesn't mean I can't be thin, it just means it is harder for me. Lots of people have set backs in different areas of their lives but the important thing is not to use those as reasons to do nothing. At some point you have to say "these things are not the reason I am like this, I am like this because I let myself become like this". Keep working at it. Putting down the excuses is empowering.
  • vsecret921
    vsecret921 Posts: 100 Member
    my motto is: take advice but in the end DO WHAT WORKS BEST FOR YOU :)
  • cpsunseri
    cpsunseri Posts: 9
    Sometimes when people eat less than 1200 or 1500 calories a day, their bodies stop losing weight because your metabolism slows down to match what you are taking in. Restricting your calories too much can also cause you to lose muscle mass as well.

    Try setting your calorie deficit at -500 calories a day and the weight loss should continue
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    People with issues that prevent weight loss in one form or another are the vast MINORITY.

    Advice given with regards to the scientific approach of weight loss (Thermodynamics) applies to the majority of people.

    I don't know anyone who has said otherwise.

    Agreed with every word.

  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    At day's end, that's all it ever is. Calories in vs calories burned.
    End of story.
    Your body may have this issue or that problem...blah...blah...blah...address them with your doctor or whatever.
    But the end result of any weight loss is calorie deficit.
    And that's 100% of the human population.
    Why does this bother you? It's just a fact of life. Accept it.
    Facts are stubborn things; they never change.
    Anyway, good luck with your goals as well as learning to accept simple reality.
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    The people that say that same thing to me.....well....they don't have weight issues. They don't have health issues and don't know how it is for those of us with health issues. Mine is multiple sclerosis and I get fatigued easily when I work out. So for me, I have to do several small workouts a day. 5 - 10 minutes at a time. But that's just me.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    People make that generalization because the science is based off of fairly healthy test subjects...It doesn't take in to account thyroid problems or anything like that. So...technically the science for "normal" [Im not saying your abnormal! Lol] people IS correct. There are probably studies out there that include thyroid issues & whatnot...See if you can find some research...Until then do what works best for YOU...which is pretty much the best piece of advice for every single person since were all different..
  • SithChicky
    SithChicky Posts: 74
    it bothers me because it really isn't that simple. I must just use like no calories throughout the day. I guess I'm weird like that, lol. I accept reality, don't judge.
  • SithChicky
    SithChicky Posts: 74
    People make that generalization because the science is based off of fairly healthy test subjects...It doesn't take in to account thyroid problems or anything like that. So...technically the science for "normal" [Im not saying your abnormal! Lol] people IS correct. There are probably studies out there that include thyroid issues & whatnot...See if you can find some research...Until then do what works best for YOU...which is pretty much the best piece of advice for every single person since were all different..

    I've said before, I know the science is correct and I understand and accept it. What I have a problem with, is the people who keep saying that's how it is and that's all there is to it, when it simply is not the case for a lot of people.
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    Soooo... you ARE eating less than you are burning AND you are losing weight... so it is the same for you?!?!?! What's the problem?

    Being Snarky is not necessary here. If she is having a rough time, then she is simply having a rough time. Maybe try being supportive? Just saying.....
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    I agree with some statements about weight loss works different for different ppl, the key is to try different things. I have a story.
    My mother has suffered from thyroid disease for over 25yrs, and her doctor at the time told her that because she would have to work twice as hard and eat half as much to lose weight as the average person, she took as the gospel. He told her she would only be able to eat 800 calories a day. Now...it is a fact that ppl with certain health issues have to take slightly different approaches to the standard calories in calories out deficit by 500 a day kinda thing. So, my mother stuck to the 800 calories a day two meals tops for nearly all that time..at first she was walking 8miles a day so initially she lost weight. However over time, she started to gain weight, and is now 60+ lbs over weight(I'm guessing as she won't tell me exactly what she weighs). I have insisted for the last 6 years she needs to change her eating, increase her calories and frequency etc...she fought be the whole time until recently. She finally got sick of gaining and asked me for help, I increased her calorie intake to 1500, she about lost her mind...BUT she followed my plan for 5 weeks and lost 9 lbs...of course this wasnt fast enough for her, but heck it was finally moving....
    There is no EXACT formula, but there are guidelines, and ppl have to experiment and others need to relax when giving advice.
    I understand your frustration...went thru similar issues trying to figure out why I couldn't lose....eventually I figured it out.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    If one eats less than what one burns, one will lose weight.

    It's not always the case, in my opinion. I get the science of it, I do. But it's not the same for every single person.

    The science really is that simple. The laws of physics don't change no matter what condition anyone has.

    What is NOT that simple are the following:

    a) Our understanding of all the biomechanical/chemical mechanisms involved in processing/burning calories
    b) Our ability to measure same
    c) Our ability to monitor input with consistent measurement error

    Other than eating more than you're burning, the rest of it is in the noise. It's the noise (error) we don't account for.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    And of course, all those things vary from person to person.

    Chalk the rest of it up to ignorance and press on!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    it bothers me because it really isn't that simple. I must just use like no calories throughout the day. I guess I'm weird like that, lol. I accept reality, don't judge.
    Whatever the issues, finding a way that creates a calorie deficit is the ONLY way to ever lose weight.
    Maybe you have medical issues.
    Address them.
    Maybe your body is stubbornly fighting the process. Oh well!
    It's simple but hard and harder for some than others, but nature doesn't change.
    Good Luck!
  • SithChicky
    SithChicky Posts: 74
    it bothers me because it really isn't that simple. I must just use like no calories throughout the day. I guess I'm weird like that, lol. I accept reality, don't judge.
    Whatever the issues, finding a way that creates a calorie deficit is the ONLY way to ever lose weight.
    Maybe you have medical issues.
    Address them.
    Maybe your body is stubbornly fighting the process. Oh well!
    It's simple but hard and harder for some than others, but nature doesn't change.
    Good Luck!

    easy to say oh well when it's not you. It's a lot to deal with when it is you. Do everything you can do to better yourself, just to keep failing.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    If one eats less than what one burns, one will lose weight.

    It's not always the case, in my opinion. I get the science of it, I do. But it's not the same for every single person.

    Just normal daily living burns about 2,000 calories. On a diet for nearly 3 months, I was eating 1200-1500 and in that 3 months, lost 3 lbs. I have hypothyroid, it's hard for me to lose weight. Why do people seem so hellbent on the theory of weight loss, isn't it different for everyone? Because I know it is for me. Maybe I'm the only one, like ever... but I know for a fact it's different for people with thyroid issues, and diabetes in some cases too.

    Soooo... you ARE eating less than you are burning AND you are losing weight... so it is the same for you?!?!?! What's the problem?

    3 months of busting my butt and 3 lbs? No it's not the same for me. I should be losing way more than that if you look into the science I'm talking about. It's not the same for everyone.
    No, it is what it is.
    You are heading in the right direction. Just keep punching and stay the course. Others may have an easier time of it. Bully for them. That won't help you. I feel you - really!
    Life is never fair, but we play the hand we're dealt. Buck up!
    You can do this :flowerforyou: