Weening off caffiene



  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    there are many benefits to caffeine but adding sweetners can make it a calorie nightmare. I prefer black but you need to get a good coffee maker and good coffee but its worth it.

    But if you are going to quit, the best way is to just do it. teasing yourself with weening and tapering off is a sure fire way to prolong your misery. if really needed during withdrawal, take a caffeine pill or an exederin and drink alot of water.
  • vypremik
    I have weened off of caffeine a few times. It is hard to stay off because it is a drug. It may not be as powerful as some other drugs, but it still is a drug.

    When I drink caffeine, I am tired every morning, tired in the late afternoon, and tired in the evening, but then can't go to sleep when I get into bed at night.

    I hate it.

    Here is my experience from the times I have done it:

    First few days, as many people have said, you will have really bad headaches. The best treatment is sleep and painkillers (Ibuprofen, Aspirin, etc). If you drink a lot of caffeine, count on having almost no energy for two to three days.

    You will continue to be tired for at least two weeks, possibly for three months or more. When you feel like you are too tired to move, you can give in to it and take a short nap, or you can fight it by getting up and doing something active. The longer you go, the better you will fell if you actually get active to fight your sleepiness.

    Three times I have weened off of caffeine. Each time, it took about three months to feel like I was completely off of it. Each day was better, but it took that long for my body to recover.

    Why did I go back? The first time for creativity. I am a writer and a teacher and I thought I had lost my creativity when I stopped caffeine. Since then I have learned more about it and found ways to still be creative. The next two times, it was due to a schedule change.

    The benefits? I didn't feel tired during the day and I slept well at night. I also found that I could stay up later if I needed to or could get up in the middle of the night and be awake very quickly.

    I currently have about 1 diet coke a day and am planning on stopping it soon. I just have to find the right time to do it.

    It is a personal choice for me because I hate letting anything have that much control over me.