RAW / Vegan / Vegetarian .... What are you? Why?



  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    My husband was a vegetarian for 1 year until he went to Calgary to see some friends and they gave him a BBQ Alberta Beef Hamburger and he hasn't gone back. lol
  • hapandleonard
    I understand entirely. It's a shame you don't have a supportive environment for this, but hopefully you will have your chance at some point.

    I'm a vegan, and have been for the past 6 months. I find now that I have to be careful and double check my meals to make sure I'm getting everything I need. For example, when I went vegan (from veggie) I realised that my diet had no source of vitamin B12, so I started having b12-fortified yeast extract on my toast every morning! I also put it in gravies and sauces, and occasionally I also have B12 fortified soy products (milk and stuff). Iron is also a concern, which I cure by eating tonnes of spinach and other iron-rich greens. I have to make an effort because I really don't want to resort to supplements.

    I hope you get the chance to choose your diet in the not-too-distant future!!

    Best wishes.
    I was vegetarian for about 3 years, but it messed me up health-wise. I was still living at home, I was forced to eat chicken at least twice a week (so I guess I don't really count as vegetarian? but I digress...)

    Now I'm battling deficiencies in iron and vitamin b12, and my immune system weakened. I'm sure there are many fruits and vegetables out there that would combat this, however, coming from a less-than-supportive environment regarding my food choices meant my access to such foods was seriously limited.

    I wanted to be vegetarian for global/economic reasons, not for being an animal-lover (I'm not, really...) but it was very difficult while living with people who did not want to partake in that particular dietary choice.

    I still eat a very vegetarian-inspired diet when I am living on my own (I'm in school, so I have my own place where I live for 8 months, hopefully 12 soon) but I find it very difficult to manage getting the appropriate nutrients and keeping my overall health in check.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I am a transitioning vegan, have been for nearly 2months. I noticed my stuffy nose went away and I have less acne and can think more clearly if that makes any sense. I decided to try veganism after I realized dairy was causing my nose to be stuffed up and realized it was also making me bloated and gross. So I figured I'd give up meat too since I rarely at it and I never really ate eggs except for once in awhile and I don't really have hidden eggs. I -miss- cheese but I have found vegan cheeses so it's okay.
  • jennyredfern
    jennyredfern Posts: 94 Member
    Eating In The Raw by Carol Alt.

    i dont know what book you have read but the only raw diet i know of is all fruits and veggies that come straight from the earth no raw foodist i know ever eats raw meat. no one should ever do that. i have eaten a "SAD" (standard american diet) my whole life, untill about 2 years ago when i found out about the raw food diet. fruits and veggies only. i did go 100% raw for 2 months. it was awesome i lost weight and my skin was awesome i had so much energy... that is after my body detoxed. although i don't eat a 100% raw diet anymore i do eat a very high raw diet. you should read the 80 10 10 diet by dr doug graham. best book ever! :happy: