I really need some encouragement

leighoconnell Posts: 217
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have to be on coumadin because I have a DVT blood clot in my leg in addition to 10-20 blood clots in my lungs. To top it off I'm on crutches recovering from ankle reconstructive surgery. If I go off the coumadin I die....Unfortunately it has some horrible side affects and there is no alternative drug. Let me say this now...I'm supposed to get married in May.

For starters I am 22 yrs and the med is making all my hair fall out, the hair I have spent years growing to its current length in prep for my wedding.

Second: Its given me the worse acne I have ever seen and nothing can be done about it

Third: Over the next six months I am estimated to gain 65-75 lbs of pure fat from it. I have a lowfat, lowcal, low sodium diet, do what exercise I am permitted, and it looks like I do nothing but eat cheeseburgers and drink beer 24/7 I've gaining that much weight and its redistrubting all over my body.

I have worked so hard to loose 20 lbs over the past three months and my goal was to lose another 10 lbs by my birthday in October. But now all my work is for nothing because it doesn't matter what I do Im gonna gain weight. I'm thinking about just quiting this site altogether with cause it seems to be a mute point cause of this medication. And to top it all off I have never felt so ugly in my entire life. I don't even want to do the big wedding anymore. I'd rather just hide. :cry:


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    That sucks Leigh! Just keep telling yourself, it's not permenant, it's not permenant. As soon as the blood clot is gone, and the ankle is healed up, you can get right back to it. And hey, a wedding is a day, that's all it is, granted it's a big day for most women, but remember, it's just a day in your life. Ask your Fiancee if you can push it back 6 months or a year, I'm sure he'll understand, if you can't do that, then just try to remember, you don't get married for the wedding, you get married for love!

    You're a beautiful woman Leigh, no matter what happens at the wedding that won't change, and once this issue is cleared up, you'll be right back on track, just think of this as a "character building exercise". If you can survive this, your marrage will last for ever! :drinker:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    (((HUGS))) Does the Dr know all of the side effects you are having? I don't pretend to know very much about your condition or your Dr but it is hard to believe that he/she would not be able to prescribe something diffrent than the Coumadin or at least something to alleviate the symptoms you are having.

    Now is the time to remind yourself that "This too shall pass". No matter how bad you feel or look (and you look way worse to yourself than you do to others) it is TEMPORARY. Keep eating right and do what you are able in the way of exercise. Do Not Be Hard On Yourself because of things you have NO CONTROL over.

    Soon this will be nothing but a bad memory.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I was bald with chemo so I can say I've been there....and yes it's hard but you are still you no matter what length your hair is or how thick it is - you could consider a wig if it gets to where you are totally uncomfortable...there are some awesome ones out there - I've seen them on the girls in my breast cancer support group - I was just bald- wore some hats when it was cold but I bet you can find a vail that will flatter your beautiful face and your hair won't matter anyway!

    Keep eating for the fuel - I've been told protein will help with hair loss - not sure but I would say it sure couldn't hurt.

    I agree with Boss - he loves you and none of this is important except that you are ok!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time with your health. Instead of thinking for he point of view it seems not to be working. Think about what would happen if I stopped. If you stopped logging you could gain more.

    My health concerns were nothing compared to yours but I had Graves Disease and lost a lot of weight however when treatment time came I started gaining. I was walking 3-4 miles a day but when I didn't see the loss; I said for get it. I gained a minimum of 70lbs. If I had continued to walk I might have stayed the same and would not have so much to lose now.

    I know it is hard but don't give in. Don't give up. :flowerforyou:

    I lost my hair also. I swear every morning it got shorter. I thought a rat was in the house and was eating my hair at night. So I decided to cut it short. I discovered long hair or short I am still beautiful regardless.
    So are you.:flowerforyou:
  • SDawgW
    SDawgW Posts: 160 Member
    Don't give up - keep on eating healthy and do what exercise you can/are allowed. While the ankle is healing, try some yoga and no impact exercises (yoga is great for the soul).

    Your body is in dire need of this drug in order to combat the clot - as you said, without it you will die. Give your body the nutrition it needs so that the Coumadin doesn't have to do all of the work to get you healthier. Don't treat your body like a garbage can just because you feel like crap. Eat clean, eat healthy....stay positive.

    You can't control what the drug is doing to your body but you can control what you put in your mouth and what exercise you do.

    Let's not forget what Elle Woods so wisely said, "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't." Okay, so you're not on the verge of shooting your man, but you do sound like you're ready to give up on yourself.

    Hang in there - as said in previous posts you are beautiful regardless of the effects of this drug. Look at this as a little bump in the road - don't abandon the car just because it has a little dent in it.
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    Wow Leigh,
    My grandma and father are both on coumadin and To me it sounds like you are having severe side effects. Please talk to your doctor. If you are givin the right dose of Coumadin the side effects are not that severe( brusing is the most common you also want to make sure to watch your leafy green intake this medicine does not mesh well with to make greens like spinach and you no dont want to drink cranberry juice either. . make sure that you are going to the Coumadin Clinics for regular checks of your blood to see what your leval is. They should be testing you every two weeks and adjusting the medicine on a regular basis
  • Wow Leigh,
    My grandma and father are both on coumadin and To me it sounds like you are having severe side effects. Please talk to your doctor. If you are givin the right dose of Coumadin the side effects are not that severe( brusing is the most common you also want to make sure to watch your leafy green intake this medicine does not mesh well with to make greens like spinach and you no dont want to drink cranberry juice either. . make sure that you are going to the Coumadin Clinics for regular checks of your blood to see what your leval is. They should be testing you every two weeks and adjusting the medicine on a regular basis

    I actually get tested once a week for this and I informed my doctor about the side affects and she said oh well, deal with it.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    You must be very sensitive to coumadin. My mother took it for years, for the same problems, with out these side effects. I am so sorry to hear all the negatives you are dealing with. Is your Doctor aware of all the bad side effects you are experiencing? Have you discussed heparin as a replacement for coumadin?

    Please remember how temporary this is, and what a small amount of time is involved in comparison to the rest of your life. You are the same person you were months ago, just as lovely and just as loved.

    If you dropped one egg on the floor would you throw out the whole carton?
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    In regards to the Doctors comment " Oh well deal with it." There are lots of other qualified Doctors, I would find one. My brother suffered through weeks of bad side effects to chemo, and recieved no help until he threw a fit and demanded help. He saw a new Doctor who helped him with his problems and he was able to go on with his life. Furthermore the new Doc told him there was no reason for him to have suffered as he did.

    Take a look around.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Wow Leigh,
    My grandma and father are both on coumadin and To me it sounds like you are having severe side effects. Please talk to your doctor. If you are givin the right dose of Coumadin the side effects are not that severe( brusing is the most common you also want to make sure to watch your leafy green intake this medicine does not mesh well with to make greens like spinach and you no dont want to drink cranberry juice either. . make sure that you are going to the Coumadin Clinics for regular checks of your blood to see what your leval is. They should be testing you every two weeks and adjusting the medicine on a regular basis

    I actually get tested once a week for this and I informed my doctor about the side affects and she said oh well, deal with it.

    Find another doctor who is a touch more sensitive. The side effects you describe sound severe. I would definitely question this. Second opinions are a good idea.
  • Wow Leigh,
    My grandma and father are both on coumadin and To me it sounds like you are having severe side effects. Please talk to your doctor. If you are givin the right dose of Coumadin the side effects are not that severe( brusing is the most common you also want to make sure to watch your leafy green intake this medicine does not mesh well with to make greens like spinach and you no dont want to drink cranberry juice either. . make sure that you are going to the Coumadin Clinics for regular checks of your blood to see what your leval is. They should be testing you every two weeks and adjusting the medicine on a regular basis

    I actually get tested once a week for this and I informed my doctor about the side affects and she said oh well, deal with it.

    Find another doctor who is a touch more sensitive. The side effects you describe sound severe. I would definitely question this. Second opinions are a good idea.

    My mother and I are seeking out a hemotologist instead of my family practice doctor.
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    I'm really sorry you have to go through all that, it really seems like a living hell. But dont give up, things are always darkest before the light. You may not be able to lose weight, you may gain alot more weight but if nothing else you should stay on here because we care about you and want to be there for you through your hard time. And you are beautiful no matter what happens, dont let anyone tell you differently.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Wow Leigh,
    My grandma and father are both on coumadin and To me it sounds like you are having severe side effects. Please talk to your doctor. If you are givin the right dose of Coumadin the side effects are not that severe( brusing is the most common you also want to make sure to watch your leafy green intake this medicine does not mesh well with to make greens like spinach and you no dont want to drink cranberry juice either. . make sure that you are going to the Coumadin Clinics for regular checks of your blood to see what your leval is. They should be testing you every two weeks and adjusting the medicine on a regular basis

    Hi Leigh - I agree on the comments about the Coumadin. I have had to be on Coumadin/Warfarin going on 2 years now and haven't had the side effects you are describing. On the quote above - bruising is my very biggest battle and the ongoing fluctuation of the blood count. :grumble:

    Definitely finding another opinion (ie: more sensitive doctor too). Don't give up - this site alone can give you encouragement and myself being a "fellow coumadin taker" I'm here for you! :wink:
    All of this is temporary as mentioned and if you concentrate on what you can do each day to remain healthy things will fall into place. :flowerforyou: If you find a different doctor/solution the side effects may subside! Hang in there Leigh.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I just looked on 3 differnt sites about coumadin and they didn't have anything on there about weight gain. It said you could get bloated. Did the dr tell you that you will gain weight or did you start and the dr say that was a side effect. I would research this a lil more if I was you. Also good idea you are looking for a specialist. Family drs shouldn't treat something this serious you should have been referred to a specialist. Keep fighting for yourself.
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