Day three and I think this is great!

I figured out that I really need to track my food/exercise to be successful. I've done p90x and didn't lose any weight (I did get stronger, though...) but am finding that this type of tracking system seems to work. I've only just started, but I think knowing others can see my progress is a real incentive! I just had a question about the way the program adds calories to the allowed amount each day commensurate with the amount of calories you burn that day via exercise. Isn't that defeating the point of the exercise? If I just burned 300 calories running, I don't want to go out and eat a 300 calorie pizza slice!


  • eaboston
    eaboston Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, I agree that the exercise adding to your calorie total defeats the purpose. Maybe there's a way to make it not add the calories, I'll look around and see. Anyway, glad you like the new tool.
  • annahiven
    annahiven Posts: 177 Member
    The site already has a built in deficit for you to achieve your weight loss. That is why it adds back the calories you burn with exercise.

    I eat all of mine back.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    It doesn't defeat the purpose at all. You have to fuel the body even when you're trying to maintain a deficit. A 500-1000 calorie deficit is about as far as you want to go. Stretching it further is dangerous and counterproductive.
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    If you are eating 1200 cal a day and burn 600 with exercise you have just left your body with only 600 cal to run your body functions on...... That is why you should eat most of your cals back!!
  • misstish122
    misstish122 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes hunnie it's so important to do for healthy living. When I started I really realized how much junk I was putting in my body. If I don't count Calories I can automatically take in 3000 with out even thinking lol
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    As with many things support can be manipulated to make an argument for either side of an issue. The longer you are here the more you will observe that. Losing weight is a very personal journey and what works for one person (or even a group) does not work for the next person that is what makes losing weight such a hard battle. In addition most people come in with opinions and most often are pulled to post that appear to support their opinion.

    Sometimes it depends on how much you need to lose. I have a high starting weight and do not always eat the exercise calories back. Other times if I am feeling more hungry I may go over my daily calories. But a person that has a much lower amount to lose in most cases would need to eat back the burned calories unless being monitored by a doctor.

    Do your research and find what works for you and use it b/c in most cases we actually know what works best for our own situations.