Water consumption

I have to say that on average 8 glasses a day is the right amount, but I believe, I could be wrong, that the amount of water someone should drink is also based on their BMI. 8-8oz glasses may not be appropriate for someone who is nearly 300 lbs, because it may not be enough. When I was in school in a nutrition class, they were saying that it depends on how much fat someone has. I knew I would be more than 8-8oz of water. Also someone else said somewhere....whenever you drink caffinated (can't spell despite my education :tongue: sorry :laugh: ) it works like a diuretic. Which it does.

I think the reason why I started this thread is I need some clarification more than anything. Read what other people know.

I don't drink soda's. I rarely drink anything other than water or an occasional cup of coffee.



  • jaxkipi
    jaxkipi Posts: 233
    I have to say that on average 8 glasses a day is the right amount, but I believe, I could be wrong, that the amount of water someone should drink is also based on their BMI. 8-8oz glasses may not be appropriate for someone who is nearly 300 lbs, because it may not be enough. When I was in school in a nutrition class, they were saying that it depends on how much fat someone has. I knew I would be more than 8-8oz of water. Also someone else said somewhere....whenever you drink caffinated (can't spell despite my education :tongue: sorry :laugh: ) it works like a diuretic. Which it does.

    I think the reason why I started this thread is I need some clarification more than anything. Read what other people know.

    I don't drink soda's. I rarely drink anything other than water or an occasional cup of coffee.

  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    You've got it! The more you weigh and/or workout, the more water you need. Coffee and sodas are a diuretic, so the work against you. I drink a cup of coffee every morning. When I am at work, I bring in 2, 34oz bottles of water. I drink one before lunch and the second after lunch and on my way home. If I am going straight to the gym, I bring along another 20oz sports bottle of water. That is 88oz, and I drink another glass or two before bed. I can average 95 to 105oz a day. On the weekends, it varies depanding on my activities (I am not as rigid, which can be a downfall)
  • jaxkipi
    jaxkipi Posts: 233
    Oh ok....thanks..:wink:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    You are absolutely correct! It is based on body weight and the 8-8oz a day is merely a minimum guideline.
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    I read once, a few years ago, that you should divide your weight by 2 and that is the number of ounces you should be drinking a day. Don't know if this still holds true, but couldn't hurt!