What should I set my goal to?

Hi guys,

Okay, so I've currently lost around 14lb (ignore my ticker, that only says 8lb, but I started losing before I joined MFP), and I'm now down to 160lb or thereabouts. For the past few months I've only managed to lose around 2lb per month. This is if I'm lucky, sometimes it's less. It's rather frustrating for me, since I'm going on holiday next month and I'd love to lose a little bit more. Overall in the long-term, I'm looking to lose another 14lb or so (a stone for all us Brits out there), but I know that it wouldn't be wise to lose all that before next month :-)

I've currently got my goals set to lose 2lb a week, which means taking in 1200 net calories a day. I'm usually netting under this since I work out too - although I'm never below 1000 cal. I was wondering after having a read around here whether that might be too low a goal for my current weight. What do you think? I'm completely stuck!

Also, I'm not sure if it's relevant, but I only seem to lose weight after my TOM. I can sweat and toil all month long and not lose a single sausage, then I get on the scales the day after my time, and BAM, 2lbs have dropped off seemingly overnight. Any idea why this might be? I don't eat/work out any differently (apart from I take it easier when I'm on my time).

Thanks! Xxx


  • owl92
    owl92 Posts: 74
    lots of women lose weight only once a month, thats why you should ditch your scales for 2 months if u can handle that. i think maybe your eating to little, you could up ur calories 2 hundred or have a cheat day once a week and sinse if it boost the weight loss.
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    I do think that's a bit low... and your body is probably fairly adjusted to your current habits... switch it up! raise your calorie intake to 1300-1400 (assuming you aren't 4'11''?), and ALWAYS eat back ALL calories that you burn off exercising. ALWAYS!!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    With only 14lbs to lose, 2 lbs a week is not very realistic - that's more appropriate for people who are obese. As you say, you're not losing that 2 lbs a week anyway. I'd set MFP to lose either 1 lb or even 0.5 lb a week. Eat more, fuel your work-outs and accept that it's going to take time. I know it's frustrating, I'm about 20 lbs away from my goal now, and it's going so much more slowly than a few months ago.

    Are you doing any strength training at all? If you're interested in losing inches and firming up, rather than just scale-weight, strength training might give you the shape you're looking for.