New tactics advice please.

Okay so I am a mum of two with a husband who works shifts and I live in Wales were it seems to always rain or snow, I have been on MFP since January when my weight loss started, I kicked off at around 217lbs and got down to 189lbs by June 01st but for various reasons my weight loss has taken a backseat throughout all of June and I am now back up to 194lbs as of this morning.

I had in my mind to get a new fitness/dietary programme in place before July to implement from the first week this hasn't happened as my fitness involved 3 days of cardio which I've not been able to fulfil due to flooding and I am starting to get a little discouraged, soooo my question to you all is; what would you recommend as fitness regime for a mum of two who you should almost count as a single parent during the week as my husband is in work for 12 hours a day! Weekends are okay to get the cardio done regardless of weather as I could go to the gym or get drenched and be able to shower immediately as I would have help with the children.

My aim was to get a good mix of cardio and weights going but I now realise that I know nothing of lifting and would also appreciate help on this too. Plan was lifting Mon, Wedn, Sat and Sun Cardio (5k run) Tue, Thurs, Sat and Sun and Kickboxing on a Friday, however, rain has kicked the 5k run to the curb and lifting doesn't seems to be getting my sweat on so clearly not doing somethign right!

Also after a recent visit to the Dr I have decided to try and cut carbs down as they appear to be wreaking havoc with my digestive system although Dr offered no help with this so I'm hoping that someone somewhere has had similar issues with digesting carbs, specifically potatos and bread, most other carbs are okay but these two especially give me the most issues.

So to recap:

1) A good workout plan (my example provided), any alternatives when weather is pants and I can't get to a gym?
2) A good way to START with lifting (i.e. how often, how heavy, what exercises and how many reps/set?)
3) How easy is it to cut out carbs and are there alternatives to these things (I like toast :) )

I know a lot of these may sound soooo stupid but please bare in mind that we all need to start somewhere thanks.


  • kaylz0106
    kaylz0106 Posts: 117 Member
    No one has any advice for me?!?!?!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    If carbs bother you it should be easy to cut down. You just have to do it. No one needs bread or potatoes. You can find other foods you like besides toast.

    It sounds like between the weather and the kids, you could have an in-home workout plan. Can you buy or rent some workout DVDs? There are all types-- cardio, yoga and weights. If you don't have weights at home, do body weight exercises. Pushups, squats, lunges, crunches, etc. Strength training videos will have good workout plans or there are books or free web sites with a lot of ideas. Most recommendations are to do at least 150 minutes a week of cardio for general health (more for weight loss) and two times a week of strength training, not on consecutive days.

    Good luck.
  • kaylz0106
    kaylz0106 Posts: 117 Member
    How heavy do you kick things off with in terms of lifting? I do kickboxing and use 10lb gloves and I have 7lb kettlebells but these mean nothing to me really atm.
  • nichojanes
    nichojanes Posts: 76 Member
    I have been trying to get running this year with our beautiful british summer I have not got out much. We have taken the plunge and got an eliptical training machine. My wife lost 2 1/2 stone using it after our son was born so she swears by them.
    I have used it only a couple of times so far but a 30 minute work out on it really gets the sweat flowing so should bring results.
    If you have room for one I would definitely recommend. They are reasonably quiet for when the kids are asleep.