Is Walking Good form of excerise?

I am New to this site and hear alot of the different excerise that people do, which left me thinking i dont really get much chance to go anything like some people do on here as i am a very busy person. This being said thou i do walking and was wondering if this is enough to help my weight lose?

Even if i just walk and build up the pace or stop getting the bus and walk that little bit further? I do want to try and do some running soon as well.

Ideas and help please people!!!!!!

add me as well please (On Day 2)


  • JennMarieFitz
    JennMarieFitz Posts: 73 Member
    Yea! It's sure better than nothing, and it makes you feel great. I started out just walking (sometimes still do, but the weather just stinks right now!) and all of a sudden I looked at my husband and said "Race you to that pole!" I've always hated running, but it just felt like fun!! He won, but I still feel awesome that I wanted to run on purpose!!

    Walking is great, you've gotta start somewhere. I'll add you =)
  • EvilDave14
    EvilDave14 Posts: 111 Member
    Definitley. Why not get yourself a pedometer to see how much you are doing.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    I've lost 55 lbs. since December doing about 6.5+ mi. Per day.
  • mmreed
    mmreed Posts: 436 Member
    walking is GREAT - the key is to walk briskly.

    You want your heart rate to rise a bit to get a cardio effect

    walking slow is better than nothing, but it will be the slowest form of loss exercise.

    if you have a smartphone, get the RunKeeper app to monitor progress.

    maybe look into a fitbit device to track your steps and daily activity.
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    I think ultimately the best exercise it the one you'll do consistently. In addition, variety is important. Based on that, walking can be a very solid foundation to a fitness program, but eventually, you'll want to add in some things that work to build muscle. In addition High Intensity Interval Training is another great addition to an overall plan.

    Some ideas to get you started:

    When you're ready, look-up Primal Blueprint Fitness and MovNat for some examples of folks that use an understanding of human physiology and history to develop a more natural "workout" plan. For me, this is the ideal. It may or may not work for you (see my first sentence above).
  • YvetteLee1
    YvetteLee1 Posts: 12
    I started walking on April 2, 2012 and have now lost 20 lbs. I usually walk 4 miles in an hour, when I started I probably walked 1 mile and was done. So for me, walking really works! Problem now is having issues with my feet. I've had surgery on both feet in the last 5 years and yesterday had to go to the dr. because of severe pain on the outside part of my foot and on my ankle. Have inflammation in the foot (sinus tarsis?) and needed a shot and can't walk for 2 days, plus need to wear a lovely boot. Dr. said after 2 days I could "ease back into walking". Still trying to figure out if that means just walk 1 mile, then build back up, or walk my normal 4 miles, slowly! LOL. Plus, I constantly walk in place-washing dishes, brushing teeth, folding clothes, etc. I think that as long as you are up and moving, it all counts. Now I would like to try a GazelleEdge. Got on one this morning and liked it. So might buy myself one. Does anyone else have any pros or cons about a Gazelle?
  • YvetteLee1
    YvetteLee1 Posts: 12
    Love my pedometer!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    If you go an extended distance much further than your daily walking, then yes. If you walk 1/4 a day and only do another 1/4 mile total, unless you're really heavy, it would take quite awhile to lose weight.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I walk most days, but mostly as a supplemental workout. If you're very overweight, though, it's definitely a good starting point. Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • MattTheWaterRat
    MattTheWaterRat Posts: 167 Member
    Walking is great and speed walking, forcing yourself not to jog at fast paces, burns a lot of calories.
  • Gapwedge01
    Gapwedge01 Posts: 494
    Love my pedometer!!!

    I don't leave the house for my walk without my Omron pedometer and Polar HRM. I find I stay more motivated when I can record my total steps/mileage from the pedometer and can record my calories burned and monitor my HR. When I see my fitness improving it takes either more distance or an increase in pace to push my heartrate.
  • jevoyager
    jevoyager Posts: 59 Member
    Certainly! Its a great especially to start, I started off small and have been adding more time as I go along. Start with goals that work for you - if it seems small, but you'll do it, then go for it (no point in setting a goal that you won't stick with). True it can't be like 'window shopping' pace, I think I read that walking fast but at a pace you can still converse with someone is good (ie not out of breath consistently). I read not too long ago that walking 30 minutes, 5 times a week, can reduce a number of health risks by half, which I think is pretty awesome. That's what I currently do, and then try to add in some other activities when I can like dancing, tai-chi, etc. Going walking with friends/family is good, or take an mp3 player to keep you going :)