
I see a lot of people are losing a lot of inches and pounds. What if you're losing pounds but not really any inches? = (


  • MrBdub24
    MrBdub24 Posts: 5
    Hi Kay,

    Typically, if you're losing pounds but not inches, one of several things are happening. Either most likely (a) You are losing water weight (very common for the first 5 lbs or so because of decreased carbohydrate/sodium intake leading to a resulting decrease in water retention), or less likely (b) You are losing muscle (usually happens in men who drastically reduce caloric intake and stop lifting). There is also a possibility that you are losing fat in other parts of your body (i.e. arms, legs, etc.) before the stomach. This is why one person may lose an inch off their waist for every 5-6 lbs they lose, but you may lose an inch every 8-10 lbs. As long as you have a consistent calorie deficit of no more than 1000/day, you should be confident that you are losing fat and not muscle, even though it may not be noticeable at first. Best of luck!

  • kay48040
    kay48040 Posts: 21
    Hi Kay,

    Typically, if you're losing pounds but not inches, one of several things are happening. Either most likely (a) You are losing water weight (very common for the first 5 lbs or so because of decreased carbohydrate/sodium intake leading to a resulting decrease in water retention), or less likely (b) You are losing muscle (usually happens in men who drastically reduce caloric intake and stop lifting). There is also a possibility that you are losing fat in other parts of your body (i.e. arms, legs, etc.) before the stomach. This is why one person may lose an inch off their waist for every 5-6 lbs they lose, but you may lose an inch every 8-10 lbs. As long as you have a consistent calorie deficit of no more than 1000/day, you should be confident that you are losing fat and not muscle, even though it may not be noticeable at first. Best of luck!


    I am losing it in my arms and legs and face.. still waiting on the stomach. I guess that makes sense.
    I'm taking in between 1,000 - 1,200 calories a day and putting out at least 500. I'm really confused with the calories/deficit thing.
  • MrBdub24
    MrBdub24 Posts: 5
    The calorie deficit is the difference between the calories you ingest every day and the calories you burn every day. I would use a calculator like this and enter your information. The calculator will tell you based on your lifestyle/work/exercising habits how many calories you burn every day. So for example if you are a 5'7 woman who weighs 140 lbs and is 30 years old, and is moderately active, you burn 2150 calories per day. So therefore to lose weight you have to eat under 2150 calories per day, to maintain weight you have to eat 2150 calories per day, and to gain weight of course over 2150. So for example if you ate 1650 calories every day you would have a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day. Since there are 3500 calories in a pound if you had a calorie deficit of 500 calories/day you would lose 1 pound per week.
  • kay48040
    kay48040 Posts: 21
    The calorie deficit is the difference between the calories you ingest every day and the calories you burn every day. I would use a calculator like this and enter your information. The calculator will tell you based on your lifestyle/work/exercising habits how many calories you burn every day. So for example if you are a 5'7 woman who weighs 140 lbs and is 30 years old, and is moderately active, you burn 2150 calories per day. So therefore to lose weight you have to eat under 2150 calories per day, to maintain weight you have to eat 2150 calories per day, and to gain weight of course over 2150. So for example if you ate 1650 calories every day you would have a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day. Since there are 3500 calories in a pound if you had a calorie deficit of 500 calories/day you would lose 1 pound per week.

    Thank you VERY much for the info!