How do you deal with non-dieters??

Recently I've noticed a lot of negative pressure from friends and family that do not pay attention to their own health. They encourage me to 'cheat' on the daily lol and make me feel like a bad guy if I refuse unhealthy foods.

I usually try to make them understand by saying something like, " you said your self how great I looked when you saw me today, I feel that great too! I don't like how these foods make me feel, I really would much prefer..."

Does anyone else have this happen to them?? How do you deal with it??


  • heatgal976
    heatgal976 Posts: 53 Member
    I've currently lost 60 pounds since 2009 with still about another 25-30 to go and I experienced this all of the time. The people that tried to negatively effect me the most was my co-workers. Misery loves company IMO. A lot of people will always feel threatened when someone else is doing something that makes them question their own actions or doings. You can't change them, but you can set an example. My situation has gotten much better, because I was able to keep the majority of my weight loss off. But what eventually ended up happening is that I actually inspired a handful of others at work to lose weight also. Keep at it and don't let ANYONE interfere with your goals in life, because at the end of it all you have to live with your choices.
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    I just smile and say thanks, but Im good, I work hard to look good. My husband is a bar manager at an italian restaurant/bar. I LOVE italian food. He brings home pizza and calzones all the time. He isn't trying to sabotage me. I am the only one who is eating healthy. I usually don't eat any. Its tempting, but I just eat whatever else I have planned for that night for myself. If I really want it and have been doing really well on my eating plan, I might have one slice. But just one.

    We had a picnic on Saturday and my brother in law said, wow, this is the healthies food I have ever seen at your picnic, and he didn't mean it in a "yay" sort of fashion. I said I know. We don't have to eat poorly for it to taste good. I had two veggie trays and a fruit tray and a really yummy salad in addition to burgers and hot dogs. I also had no left overs. The way I see it, the rest of the world is going to go on putting what they want in front of me to eat. I make the choice. And if they say here, try this cheese cake donut, its yummy, I just reply, why yes, I am sure it is. I just don't want it right now. What other people say and think is not my concern. The only opinion that matters to me, is mine.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    At work they ALWAYS bring in crap; cookies, cupcakes, candy...there is always junk to eat. I used to be the biggest eater of this stuff as it was closest to my desk...I figured a cookie here and there couldn't hurt but it did. If i ate one, I ended up eating the whole thing of cookies or fudge bars or whatever. I just made up my mind one day to not eat any of that stuff, not one crumb.

    Of course the people that still like to eat that stuff always have to remind me that I was the biggest junk food eater and now they make snide comments like I think I am better than them or something. They ALWAYS make the same silly comment..."Hey a cookie/candy/cupcake every once in a while never hurt anyone..."

    Basically, I just have to smile, or pretend I didn't hear them, or ignore them.