Indian food & dieting!



  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    TheDreadPirateRoberts Posts: 225 Member
    4oz of rice I'm referring to is dry weight. Way I cook it is measure it into a microwave steamer and add 1 1/4 pints of boiled water and microwave for 10 minutes. You should stir halfway, but I find it doesnt really make much odds. Come out perfect every time. If your rice is budget, then you should rinse it to get rid of the starch first.

    As for biryanis, the amount of rice they use is different (I was referring to rice that you get on the side of a curry, not in a biryani) and although they do use fat to fry the meat (if there is meat) the ones I make are not high calorie. Having googled, however, it appears that ready made (yeauch) biryanis can be high in fat and thus calories. But a well made biryani (am I ever hungry now!) is cooked in stock.

    Trader Joe's Biryani is 170 calories a cup (no idea what its like though), but you can (it seems) get scary biryanis made God knows how that have 600+ calories a serving. This is probably why I cook my own food and dont go to Indians as they tend to be a disappointment when you know how to cook them yourself.

    I'd recommend the Cinnamon Club's recipe books and the best place I've been for an Indian was Quilon in London (Michelin starred, but reasonable prices).

    Right I'm off to cook lamb shoulder roghan josh with masala mash.