anyone get the once a month choc cravings?

hi, i dont normally eat chocolate but every month when its my monthly time i have really bad choc cravings does anyone else and if so what sattisfies it.
i try and have skinny cow hot choc when i get like it , and bananas with peanut butter on crispbread.
any more suggestions for the sweet fix??


  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
    Oohhh I love some chocolate:love: , whenever I get the craving I just eat a serving of Dark Chocolate. I don't deny it I just limit. Try some dried fruit , naturally sweetened I like prunes they're so good and full of antioxidants,fiber and can definetly curb your craving.
  • marissa4354
    I eat 2 tbsp of chocolate chips morsels when my cravings are really bad. Although I crave chocolate every day.
  • mbaker1169
    mbaker1169 Posts: 65 Member
    I do not handle cravings very well, so if I have them I eat it until they are satisfied. I am a chocoholic and have found that my every day morning breakfast of slim fast rich chocolate brownie usually keeps me satisfied. When I get the monthly craving increase I bake cookies with my kids and do not worry about the calories for that day. Another thing that is totally bad for me....but usually fixes my cravings in a jiffy is a jar of whipped chocolate icing. As much as I love it, it is so rich usually one spoon full gets me thru the craving, I am not a person that believes a diet includes cutting everything I love out of it. You only live once!! The next day I usually run an extra mile to get rid of the guilt. As long as I promise myself that I will work off the extra calories I never have an issue with gaining the weight back.

    Good Luck!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    I LOVE chocolate. I have a bag of hershey chocolate bliss in my fridge. (dark chocolate) I eat at least one or two each day and have lost 50 pounds since feb. I dont even like regular chocolate any longer. I think you can fill that craving just do it with good chocolate and in small amounts.
  • linnebooc
    linnebooc Posts: 84 Member
    Mine is chocolate and beef during that time. I usually get the cravings so bad that I drive everyone around me crazy.

    To fix it I usually get a serving of the dove dark chocolate and I'm in heaven for the rest of the day. For the beef I generally eat a lean steak and do a little happy dance.:flowerforyou:
  • klybarger
    I alternate salty/chocolate cravings. Torture is there's a shop across the street from where I work that makes my perfect "craving" food - chocolate covered potato chips. Will take the back stairs when leaving so I'm not even tempted!
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Well, the good news is that dark chocolate is particularly high in iron, and you require additional iron at that TOTM, so...EAT UP :smile:
  • bwilton77
    bwilton77 Posts: 93 Member
    When I get the cravings I have to have something sweet or I will drive myself and my husband crazy. I found this tea by Celestial Seasoning called English toffee it is so good I add just a hint of splenda after its brewed and it is like drinking heaven. I keep some 100 calorie keebler cookies on hand for when its really bad and I dunk them in my yummy tea. Its so good and only 100 calories to boot.