the more you sweat the more calories you burn?

ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
ie... If the weather is REAL hot you will sweat more when you work out, means you burn more?



  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    Sweating does not equate to burning more calories per se. All things considered, in hot weather your body does have to work harder to do a given amount of work, thus you will burn more calories. That said, most people have a hard time working at the same intensity in hot weather so it may be a wash. In addition, working out in really hot weather (like many of us have been experiencing here in the states this week), can actually be dangerous If you're gonna do that, you have to be really careful because it's easy to go to far and suffer heatstroke. .
  • JustinM86
    JustinM86 Posts: 37
    Sweat is just an indication that your body is trying to cool itself down. By your definition, you could sit in a sauna and "burn calories". You're always burning calories, that's what your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is. Working out in extreme temperatures is not healthy, and should be avoided. The "weight" you lose is just water weight. That all comes back the second you take a sip of water. Risking severe dehydration and heat stroke isn't worth looking better until you hydrate yourself.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Thanks for the info guys!
  • pmaxson
    pmaxson Posts: 137
    My heart rate is much higher when I run in the heat. It often gets very high. That is a signal to me to go slower, if I have to exercise in the heat. I do like to run in the heat sometimes, but in the morning heat (80) not when it is 100. Even then, though, my heart rate will go up to 178 - I usually hit no higher than 170. When it hits that, I slow way down. Staying healthy is the most important thing - hydrate and be safe.