
linnebooc Posts: 84 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone else have the issue of one 1/2 of their body loosing the weight while the other just stays the same?

I've lost over 30lbs now but it seems to all be in my bottom 1/2. My pants size has gone down by about 2-3 sizes (now wearing a 20/22) and my top 1/2 is just as big as ever. My stomach has gone down a bit. My arms have gone down a bit. My chest? NOT AT ALL! I mean, yeah, the rib cage area has gone down but the cup size is just as big as ever.

HELP! They are gigantic to begin with (48H) and with the other parts of my body shrinking it's making my back hurt even more because there is not much to support it now.

Any tips?


  • we all lose differently. First on is always last to go on the body. I gain weight first on my bottom half, so that always takes the longest to come off.
  • yeah, I always gain weight first in my thighs, hips & rear and that is where I lose it last! I always start losing inches in my waist and unfortunately my chest. I have always been a pear shape. It's genetics, I think. Some people tend to carry it all up top or down below, then there are the ones that store it all over or some variation thereof.

    So I would add strength training for your back and core exercises, not to help you lose weight but to strengthen your back for all the hard work it has to do just carrying your load in front. I think there are some bras that might help but they may cost some money. The only other option I can think of is a reduction surgery so try my first two suggestions first.

    I am only a 36c so my back problems aren't due to the problem you have.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I've lost over 30lbs now but it seems to all be in my bottom 1/2. My pants size has gone down by about 2-3 sizes (now wearing a 20/22) and my top 1/2 is just as big as ever.

    When I lost 50 pounds 4 years ago, my cup size INCREASED. I went from wearing a 38C (maybe should've been wearing a 40C?) to a 36-38D. I don't really gain weight in my tatas, so when I lose the fat on my chest and back, it causes my cup size to increase. Since I gained the weight back, I'm back to a 38-40C. :laugh: Can't wait to get back into my pretty 36-38D bras again.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    you tend to loose weight in reverse of how it was gained. My top is down and my legs are getting in shape and my hips seem to be getting bigger:noway: It can be annoying but keep the ultimate goal in mind and realize you will take on better form the stronger you get! :flowerforyou:
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