Not new, just a bit shy...

Bufite Posts: 55 Member

I've been lurking around MFP for a while and shamelessly using other people's tips and advice. Thought it was about time I said hello and got me some friends :smile:

I'm 33, from London UK, looking to lose about 25 kg. This is my latest attempt. For whatever reason, it's going better than all the other times, so fingers crossed!

I'm looking for some friends who will give me motivation when the stressful job/evil mother/unemployed BF all get too much and have me reaching for lard with extra chocolate and a sprinkling of butter :sick:


  • ShelfRelianceMom
    I love your sense of humor! I felt the same way. I didn't want to post that I needed friends so I waited to see who would ask for friends, then added them. You're braver than you know!
  • nancyki
    nancyki Posts: 46
    Hi! I lived in London for four years - during the John Major days. When I think of him, I think of two funny things... the Cones Hotline! and the cartoonist who always pictured him with his shirt tucked into his underwear and his underwear showing slightly under his pants. No disrepect intended. I enjoyed living there. welcome and I'll friend you. I've checked in daily since beginning over a month ago. Oh, and Happy Independence Day! (Again, no disrespect intended!!)
  • lostropav
    lostropav Posts: 21
    Your life sounds a bit like mine: 32 years old, stressful job, underemployed husband, evil mother... you know. This time things also seem to be working well for me, let's hope it lasts! I also never posted asking for friends, but just lurked around in the shadows. But would love to be friends.
  • crafty30
    crafty30 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi, another uk girl here, not far from London! I'll happily chat and motivate when you need to so add me if you like :) x
  • antizoni1
    antizoni1 Posts: 334
    My Name is Anthony, Joined 30 days ago lost 6 pounds, workout 5 days a week, eat healthy , the weight lifting has stoppe my weight loss but im gaining muscle, I dont weigh myself anymore, I just measure my progress by the way my clothes fit me
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    HI and you cant be to shy to start this topic, you can add me if you want
  • jillleanne
    jillleanne Posts: 72 Member
    I've been lurking too haha. Started here over a year ago. Feel free to add me!
  • shezlar1
    shezlar1 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi all

    Im a larger than life Essex girl( literally, hence why im here) so If that doesnt scare you then feel free to add me - im addicted to MFP so am happy to give high fives/kicks/advice where needed - requested or not lol
  • KimL122
    KimL122 Posts: 169 Member
    Glad you are branching out an posting. As you have seen this is a nice place. Will send you a friend request.
    Oh anypne wanting to add me,m please feel free.
  • Sarahnats
    Sarahnats Posts: 69 Member
    Hey, im from Devon, live on the coast in a seaside town..i know, it's a hard life lol! Feel free to add me if you would like,and anyone else in this thread too...i need some new friends on here:)
  • el_miller
    el_miller Posts: 2
    I've been doing MFP for quite a while but only know of two others that are my friends. I would be happy to have more to help motivate and encourage along the weight loss journey.
  • charlena48
    charlena48 Posts: 192 Member
    You can add me if you like. I'm on here several times a day. It's not a diet for me - it's a lifestyle change.
  • 1980karen
    1980karen Posts: 92 Member
    hi, my name is karen. im new on here too! think its good to have people around you to support and help on the weight loss journey. please add me. xx
  • Rachael235
    Rachael235 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi feel free to add me I joined around 2 months ago and hoping to lose around 30lbs, so far am on 16.5lbs and found this site great.
    Im 32 and live in yorkshire
  • NikkiSoFab
    NikkiSoFab Posts: 30 Member
    *stands up* Hi, My name is Nikki', and I'm a MyFitnessPal lurker *sits down* lol... We're all guilty of lurking! I have yet to introduce myself as well. But glad to see you're taking the initiative to step out. I'd gladly send you a request :smile:
  • nhatcher8280
    Hi! I have been a little incognito as well. I've used MFP since January and lost over 26 pounds. Now I need to get rid of 10 more to meet my goal and I can't seem to do it! So I thought, if I make friends then I'll be too embarrassed to eat and not exercise because I see so many others trying so hard. So if nothing else will help...I will shame myself out of the last 10 pounds! LOL...Yes, yes, yes add me! In fact, everybody can add me! LOL
  • mary34reilly
    mary34reilly Posts: 59 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'd love to have some extra friends and am glad your reaching out to others. And've already made a difference, because you've gotten other "lurkers" to come forward!! I love how this works. I was on here a while ago gave it a go, but didn't dive too much into the community part, and I fell away. This time I'd like it to be feel free to add me....any of you :) also, I have many friends that are also very supportive and are looking for more, so feel free to add them too :)
  • volatileskin
    volatileskin Posts: 20 Member
    hello hello! i'm also based in london, added you :)
  • AngieSchaible
    AngieSchaible Posts: 84 Member
    Hey, its great to meet another shy/lurker of the forums.

    I don't live in the U.K. but I am a shy individual like yourself so I know exactly how you feel.

    By the way I admire your courage to reach out and make some friends to help you on mfp!

    If you like I'll help you .
  • Bufite
    Bufite Posts: 55 Member
    wow, thanks everyone!! I feel very loved all of a sudden. :heart: :love: :flowerforyou:

    looking forward to going on this journey with you all

    thanks for your kindness. xx