do i have to consume the calories i earn from exercise?



  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have been a member of MFP for a while but if I'm honest this is my first week of using it properly. I have found that this is great for keeping track of what i am eating and my daily calorie goal is 1200. I have been exercising most days and have earned extra calories from it. Do i have to use these calories up or still just stick to the 1200 calories. Am i putting my optimum potential weight loss at risk by not using these calories earned. I'm so confused as to what i am meant to do.. any advice people?

    On your Goals page (I think), what does MFP say you are set up to lose per week at that 1200 calories? It could be less than a pound. I don't think you have to eat back if you want to lose a little faster. The general recommendations are that it's safe to lose up to 2 lb/week. If you need to exercise to create that large of a deficit and eat at 1200, that's safe, too.

    People here are correct that "your deficit is built in" but what they don't realize is that if you're at 1200, that means MFP capped your deficit level because they (rightly) want you to get adequate nutrition. How much you move (assuming you don't rack up deficits over 1000/day on average) is not related to your nutrition needs. It IS related to calories, which come from body fat in addition to daily intake.

    If you feel good eating at 1200 and exercising and start losing then keep it up. So start at that amount and see how you go. No need to kill yourself with exercise, a moderate amount is sufficient. Don't know your height but I think 1200 will be okay particularly if short.