Whoa! Potassium Intake Way Off!

sigma54 Posts: 28 Member
Just took a look at my nutrition reports for the last 7 days. Most things seemed to be reasonable except for potassium. I'm not getting anywhere near the recommended amount of approximately 4.2 g. I'm going to have to figure out some way of increasing it a few grams a day without increasing calorie intake.

Anyone know of good low calorie foods that don't require preparation that might help to make up this deficit? Thanks!


  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    Tomatoes, potatoes (regular and sweet), spinach, carrots, broccoli, peanuts, almonds, raisins, oranges, and kiwi are all high in potassium and fairly low in calories.
  • sigma54
    sigma54 Posts: 28 Member
    Hmmm.... Just realized that it might be because some of the foods from the database are missing how much potassium they actually have in them. For example, milk and yoghurt are showing 0 mg potassium even though I believe these are high in potassium.
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    Fruits Vegetables Animal Sources
    Bananas Potatoes Tuna
    Oranges Tomatoes Halibut
    Apricots Cucumber Honey
    Avocado Cabbage Beef
    Strawberries Cauliflower Chicken
    Bell pepper Chard Veal
    Squash Eggplant Red Snapper
    Papayas Crimini Mushrooms Pollock
    Pears Brussels Sprouts Sardines
    Prune Turmeric Salmon
    Dates Parsley Milk
    Raisins Spinach Lamb
    Cantaloupe Broccoli Turkey

    Hope these help! :)
  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    Hmmm.... Just realized that it might be because some of the foods from the database are missing how much potassium they actually have in them. For example, milk and yoghurt are showing 0 mg potassium even though I believe these are high in potassium.

    Yes, those are both high in potassium.
  • kiminor
    kiminor Posts: 38 Member
    I think about it because it's been frighteningly low on blood tests. I have supplements that I take when I think about it. I usually only think about it when I have palpitations.
  • sigma54
    sigma54 Posts: 28 Member
    Don't even worry about your potassium intake. I pay attention to sodium and fiber in addition to the regular macros of protein, carbs and fats. And I'm wildly over my sodium every day.

    I normally don't look at the other nutrients except that I decided to check them all out individually today just to see if there was anything surprising! I was only worried about it since it seemed dramatically off from the recommended amount. The average was less than 1 g per day. However, it was only because many of the items I have in my diary did not have their actual potassium contents listed in the database. Looking over it again, once that is factored in, they look fine. Also ended up fixing a few other entries in the database that had incorrect values (for some reason, the entry for 1% milk that I was using had 130 cals per cup even though it should be 100 as per the nutrition facts from the distributor).