A big hello to everybody

Hello everybody, I'm 2 weeks into this site and so far, I love it, I lost about 6 pounds and what I stay fixed on is not so much my calories but my sodium because I do have high blood pressure, this is a fight for all of us and its good to know that my fight is not done by myself. I hope so of you can friend me, I love to read about others fighting to reach that same goal:happy:


  • msnichole1973
    Welcome aboard G!
  • rhe280
    rhe280 Posts: 71
    welcome and well done so far...have sent you a add :smile:
  • LHudson53
    LHudson53 Posts: 126
    Hello and welcome! This site has really helped me stay on target...hope it helps you, too. Feel free to add me if you would like more friends :smile:

  • velvetred14
    velvetred14 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello and welcome from me too, very well done on your weight loss. Your welcome to add me as a friend if you want :smile:
  • satxtrap
    satxtrap Posts: 120 Member
    I too have to track my sodium intake which usually means I have to make my own meals. Feel free to send a friend invite.
  • fatima147
    fatima147 Posts: 85
    Hello everybody, I'm 2 weeks into this site and so far, I love it, I lost about 6 pounds and what I stay fixed on is not so much my calories but my sodium because I do have high blood pressure, this is a fight for all of us and its good to know that my fight is not done by myself. I hope so of you can friend me, I love to read about others fighting to reach that same goal:happy:

    wow u r losing weight faster!.. in 2 weeks i lost 2 pounds :(
  • vbaby
    vbaby Posts: 13 Member
    so glad you decided to join mfp it makes for a interesting journey together with....i love it as well and you are doing awesome. :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :wink: :smile:
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
  • utahgirl247
    utahgirl247 Posts: 370 Member
    yay!! another mfp family member. welcome!! i am watching sodium too, wow, what an eye opener. so far i am doing well but who knew the amt of sodium that is in EVERYTHING. so glad you joined.