Has anyone lost a lot of weight doing yoga?

I'm just not a cardio-all-day person. I'd much rather lift weights and do yoga or pilates...which is apparently not a bad plan as I have been told over and over again by my personal trainer buddy.

Yet, its been pounded into my head that CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO is the way to go, but, too much of it and I burn out pretty easily. The other stuff I mentioned? Nope. Never stopped being gratifying.

Surely, I'm opening up a small can of drama between the cardio/no cardio crowds here, but I would love to hear some thoughts!


  • kmmealey
    kmmealey Posts: 76 Member
    Great question, I'm anxious to hear what everyone says also. I am new to weight lifting but really enjoy the challenge. Cardio is miserably boring. I'd like to try yoga or pilates. Just figured out we have a Yoga thing on the Wii Fit so maybe I can learn some basics first.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    I have been doing P90X since January and one of the workouts is a Yoga workout which I really like. I won't claim to know the physiology behind it, but from what I have read on here from a lot of folks who are trainers and fitness experts say that just doing Yoga alone does not get your heart rate high enough to really do much for you fitness wise.

    That is not to say it is not good for you - it definitely is. It has helped my flexibility and athleticism a lot, but for me personally, I need to combine it with strength and cardio in order to get a full workout (which is what P90X does and why I love it so much).

    my 2 cents
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    I use a Vinyasa yoga workout, which is somewhere between strength/cardio. Even when it was the only exercise I was doing, it helped me burn calories to lose weight.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    The P90 yoga, along with the MTV power yoga, are the toughest workouts in my routine and leave me tired, sore, and with serious appreciation for the people that do it on the regular. I know some women whose only physical fitness is a bikram class down the street from me, and they look F'n AMAZING. Absolutely, you can use yoga to get in and stay in shape.

    BUT LOSING A LOT OF WEIGHT IS GOING TO COME FROM YOUR DIET. Not from cardio, not from yoga, not from lifting. It all starts and ends at the kitchen table. Get your intake right, and then you can pick whatever physical activity you want to sculpt your body.
  • NerdyTXChick
    NerdyTXChick Posts: 155 Member
    I'm not much of a cardio person either. I've been taking a class that is a combo of yoga, pilates, and Tai Chi. It does get me breathing heavy at times, and I'm pretty sore the next day, but I know it isn't the same as cardio. My plan is to start with this, and then gradually move up to more strenuous activities as my muscles get stronger. I went from being completely sedentary, so any exercise has been an improvement, and I am slowly getting into better shape. I think the way I'm doing it will be an easier transition than going straight from the couch to the treadmill. I'm no expert of course - I'm pretty new at this, but I'm doing what feels right to me and going at my own pace. Maybe you can start off slow by working it in once a week and see how you like it, rather than making a big change right away. I don't think it has to be an all or nothing decision. :smile:
  • southernyogini
    southernyogini Posts: 55 Member
    Yes. I personally have seen it happen in the past. When I had a 6 day a week Ashtanga yoga practice (power yoga/vinyasa) and ate moderately and not after 8pm I lost over 15 pounds. Over the last 1.5 years I moved away from my practice and the pounds came back (lack of exercise and poor eating).
    So I am slowly adding onto my practice and working back towards 6 days a week. For me I have sciatica and that hinders me from running. So, I choose power/ashtanga yoga. They say the best exercise is the one you will do. And for me I would rather spend an hour doing yoga than anything else.
    If you need some tips on good dvds or books let me know.
    Check out: http://www.kinoyoga.com/
    She is a teacher I study with every year when she visits Atlanta.
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    Hi I do alot of cardio but I really would love to get into some weights and yoga too,Im afraid I will hurt myself,I think you need a little bit of everything and not too much of anything!I do one hour a day of whatever Im doing!
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member

    BUT LOSING A LOT OF WEIGHT IS GOING TO COME FROM YOUR DIET. Not from cardio, not from yoga, not from lifting. It all starts and ends at the kitchen table. Get your intake right, and then you can pick whatever physical activity you want to sculpt your body.

    This ^^ Yoga will burn some calories and will help you LOOK better for sure as well as feel better, but you're not going to lose lots of weight from it.
  • CaraColleen
    CaraColleen Posts: 110 Member
    I recently just completed a Hot Yoga 30 Day Challenge where I went to hot yoga every day for 30 days in a row. I was really expecting to see some body changes (especially since I was sweating my butt off in a 105 degree room for 100 minutes a day!). After the 30 days, nothing really changed. I was a bit stronger and overall at peace, but I would not recommend it for weight loss.

    I am now doing P90X and have seen more changes in the past 2 weeks than I did after a month of yoga (and it's cheaper too!). If you don't like cardio, try strength training maybe?

    Good luck with everything!
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I lost all my weight doing yoga and pilates. It works SO WELL for me. I practice 7 days a week, 5 yoga, 2 pilates.

    I only use DVDs, can't spare the time to go to a studio. I have a list of the dvds I use if anyone is interested.
  • twinmama2009
    @ donogc I am interested in the DVDs if you could post them
  • NerdyTXChick
    NerdyTXChick Posts: 155 Member
    I'd like to see the list too!
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    I recently just completed a Hot Yoga 30 Day Challenge where I went to hot yoga every day for 30 days in a row. I was really expecting to see some body changes (especially since I was sweating my butt off in a 105 degree room for 100 minutes a day!). After the 30 days, nothing really changed. I was a bit stronger and overall at peace, but I would not recommend it for weight loss.

    I am now doing P90X and have seen more changes in the past 2 weeks than I did after a month of yoga (and it's cheaper too!). If you don't like cardio, try strength training maybe?

    Good luck with everything!

    This sort of confirms my posting above... P90X rocks - Tony Horton incorporates and is a big advocate of yoga however...
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    Hmm, I can't find it, but I will recreate because I love my MFPers, esp those that will listen to me babble about yoga!

    Bryan Kest Power yoga

    Baron Baptiste Soul of Strength

    Bryan Baptiste Power yoga

    Kristen McGee Weight Loss Pilates (This is AWESOME)

    Kristen McGee Power Yoga

    Bob Harper Yoga for the Warrior

    Kristen McGee Weight Loss Pilates

    For the two Bryan Kest days, I just rotate through the 3 workouts on his dvd.

    Hope that helps!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Here's a youtube video that was in heavy rotation a few months ago about a guy that used yoga to dramatically change his body. It was posted by the guy selling his yoga program, so maybe take it with a grain of salt, but it's still a terrifically moving story.

  • NerdyTXChick
    NerdyTXChick Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks! I've been wanting to get some DVDs for home, but I didn't know where to begin. I've done a few google searches, but its really hard to narrow down the choices. I'll check out the ones you listed. :smile:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    You don't need cardio at all. Weight loss comes from eating at a calorie deficit. Weight lifting helps you retain muscle as you lose resulting int better body composition. Cardio can make the calorie deficit easier and well, it gets you in better cardio shape which can be important.
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    Hot yoga can get your HR up and burn some major calories.

    I don't care what the haters say. It's true for me.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    I've seen some amazing transformations in as little as 30 days with daily bikram yoga, so short answer is yes. I think yoga is good for the body no matter what.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I wear a HRM during yoga classes (no it's not hot yoga, so it's not skewed by excessively high temps). I burn about 200-300 calories in a 75-minute ashtanga or advanced vinyasa class. You could probably burn about 3x as much by running or biking for the same period of time, but I enjoy the yoga most :-) Your weight loss is going to come primarily from diet anyways; however I will say that before incorporating yoga I weighed as low as 117lbs and still wore a size 8, but after 2.5 solid years of yoga practice (2-4x a week) I'm a size 6 at 129lbs.