Do I have to use calories earned from Excercise?



  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    Found the same issue too with the protein - what's the consequence of too much protein in the diet do you know??

    You overwork your kidneys. You will urinate more, you are more likely to get dehydrated, in some cases you can loose calcium. In some cases constipation. You are more likely to develop stones. This is why the high protein diets seem to work quickly --- they tend to dehydrate you.
    However, keep in mind that MFP is on the low side on protein and that if you are really working out a lot and building lean muscle you can take in more. If you don't want to add more protein, add more carbs before your workout but make them slower to digest carbs--whole grains like steel cut oatmeal, brown rice, legumes, pilafs, etc. Despite what others will say you need a good deal of carbs, but you want to make sure they are the right kind. IE: slow to digest ones that come packed in fiber rather than over refined wheat and rice.
  • laungier
    laungier Posts: 10
    After weeks of frustration - I have upped my net calorie intake to around the 1400/1500 mark and finally have started to see a weight loss - 4lbs to date. Nothing huge but psychologically to no longer see 11stone something on my scales is a great motivation! 10st 13lb now.....another 7-10lbs to go and I'll be happy!
    Turns out I wasn't eating enough for all the excercise I was doing - I didn't believe it but had to try eating more to see what difference it would make. Happier now!