What do you know of that your kids don't



  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm 20 and I know what that stuff is most of the people around my age do. I had one girl in my class who was a couple years older and she had never heard of Van Halen, that blew everyone away.

    So don't feel old lol she's definitely in the minority.

    A couple months ago, I had to explain to every person in my department (minus one other) who Slash is. Seriously?? I, btw, am the 2nd youngest full time person there...
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    bump for when i have time to read. x
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    kind of related -

    I wonder how many whippersnappers heard the Maroon 5 song "payphone," and wondered "what's a payphone?"
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    Books. Novels are real, with real facts and information, not wikipedia. (I speak to so many young people who only know the world of Kobos and Ipads)
    Grammar is a real thing.
    Mr. Dressup, Felix the cat, and all those fun cartoons.

    Rocky Horror Picture show. I have friends, in their 30's, that have no idea what I'm talking about.

    Cassette tapes, oh and most important, playing OUTSIDE. Funny thing, you don't have to stand in front of a TV to play soccer.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Nirvana! My family and I were talking about them on the weekend and my cousin piped up asking, "Who's Nirvana?" My heart broke a bit.
  • cberridge1987
    I'm 24, but it amazes me that my 6 year old niece has no idea what a tape cassette is, or VHS! She also cannot understand how I can't walk around the house when I'm on the phone to her as we have a rotary phone and she has a cordless one.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    The kids and I went into a small, old-style hamburger joint the other day. I gave them some money for the jukebox. About 5 minutes later, they came back to let me know they had no idea how to pick songs. It never occured to me that they had never seen a jukebox. It was so funny, my 10 year old got mad because the song she picked was "skipped". I had to explain to her that a jukebox doesn't necessarily play the songs in the order in which they were chose.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Books. Novels are real, with real facts and information, not wikipedia.
    I'm pretty sure they still have physical books. Also, novels are fiction. Are you thinking of encyclopedias?
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Not quite the same, but I get made fun of at work for jammin' with my walkman. The one that plays cassette tapes. That I got for Chanukah 1990. Meaning that it has outlived several portable CD players and iPods.

    Of course, when I listen to my iPod, it tends to be digitally fixed-up recordings from the 1920s . . .

    Oh, and I have a turntable. Though I will admit that I had to ask my boyfriend to teach me how to use it. :blushing:
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    Books. Novels are real, with real facts and information, not wikipedia.
    I'm pretty sure they still have physical books. Also, novels are fiction. Are you thinking of encyclopedias?

    Not just encyclopedias, but actual novels (which aren't all fiction. A novel can be used for both fiction and fact). I have talked to many young teenagers, and kids, who don't read. They know what it is, but they don't actually read. What bothers me is that everyone goes to electronic devices to read or use poor sites like wikipedia for factual information.

    I should have been more clear. I just go in to rant mode and the beast comes out
  • BNA_Mommy
    BNA_Mommy Posts: 36
    My 16 yr old has no clue what good music is! LOL

    I always make her listen to my stations when we are in the car (i listen to a wide variety of music). One day, a New Kids on the Block song came on from the 1990s (back when I was a teenager), so I randomly asked her who it was...her response: "Journey???????" HOW IN THE H-E- double hockey sticks do you confuse a teeny bopper band with JOURNEY?????

    I'm confused. Is New Kids on the Block your go-to "good" music example? Or is that Journey? Either way, yuck.

    Ummm definately Journey!
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    my nephew started reading "Encyclopedia Brown" stories (kids mystery) and my brother had to tell him what an Encyclopedia was.
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    My older brother gave my daughter his old Hardy Boy books, and she asked me what a 'jalopy' was. Actually she didn't understand the suspense of the books, she asked why they couldn't keep in touch with their friends via cell phone.
    Sigh, it made me feel old!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I had to plug my cell in the other day and my 9 year old heard me say "I'd like to make this fast as I am stuck to the wall while my phone charges" and he said something about NEVER having to be 'stuck' to anything while on the phone because it's mobile. I told him how I lost an earring or two over the years when all we had was a cord to the phone... He had the hardest time understanding why you would have a cord on a phone if it wasn't charging :laugh:
  • PhotogNerd
    PhotogNerd Posts: 420 Member
    What an outhouse was. Yes my grandparents used to have one...

    Rotary phones

    Being able to leave your house for an entire day and not be in contact with your friends every second.

    Tv...back when you couldn't DVR your favorite shows.

    Cassettes..making them for your friends.

  • dahkneeka
    dahkneeka Posts: 163 Member
    By the time i have kids, they wont understnad how cool it was to have a book that opened and was every color of the rainbow markers... or the pencils that had individual leds... when one ran out you you pulled it from the bottom, put it on the top and BAM.. your pencils sharp.
    I dotn know if its still around either, but i used to love coloring on those white teddy bears.

    i loved the 90's
  • Alexzya
    Alexzya Posts: 12 Member
    My 5 year old son was insisting that his grandma's record player was a dvd player and was upset he couldn't watch pokemon on it!
  • timmy2strikes
    timmy2strikes Posts: 99 Member
    Books. Novels are real, with real facts and information, not wikipedia. (I speak to so many young people who only know the world of Kobos and Ipads)
    Grammar is a real thing.
    Mr. Dressup, Felix the cat, and all those fun cartoons.

    Rocky Horror Picture show. I have friends, in their 30's, that have no idea what I'm talking about.

    Cassette tapes, oh and most important, playing OUTSIDE. Funny thing, you don't have to stand in front of a TV to play soccer.

    LOL... Yesterday I brought a frisbee to my moms house for the BBQ. I asked my nephew if we wanted to play frisbee and he said sure. I went outside and after about 15 minutes of waiting for him I went back inside to get him and we was playing frisbee on the wii. I told him to turn that damn thing off and get his hiney outside and play the real thing. He ended up quiting because it was so much harder then the wii game.