Fitness Advice

Hi all!

I would appreciate some thoughts on getting back into an exercise routine. It's been awhile since I've been in the gym. Probably close to a year and I really need to get back in. I haven't been doing great on my diet or exercise for a long time. I went from working as a nurse on the floor to working a desk job and have gained about 13 lbs since.

What would you advise starting with in the gym as I don't want to set myself up for failure because I started too hard.

Thank you for your help with this! I really need to get back on track. After losing about 70 lbs over the last 5 years I've gained about 15 back and I'm so afraid to gain it all back again!


  • morgiee_lynne
    morgiee_lynne Posts: 141 Member
    Diet is hard, that's the hardest part for me, but I plan my meals the night before well at least breakfast and lunch to take to work and that makes it a lot easier!

    As for exercise you should try to do cardio everyday or at least 5 days! Then you should add some weight training in as well which will make sure you are losing fat not muscle! So you should weight train about three days per week, so for example one day is leg day, one day can be arms and then the last can be chest/back and core!

    Hope that this helped :D
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    I always recommend people do Stronglifts or Starting Strength while beginning to get into exercise. As a beginner, you have no reason to do the isolation routines people often start with.

    As for cardio, you can do pretty much anything you like as long as it's not Shake Weight. I personally recommend interval sprints, at 30sec sprints/60sec rest sets.