Last Night's Mistakes and Today's exercise?

bethrs Posts: 664 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi All. This seems like a silly question- but I've heard varying answers.

So I went out for a romantic dinner with the husband yesterday and planned on doing our run when we got home, but unfortunately we went see a movie and didn't get out until late- so 400 calories over my daily goal and no exercise for yesterday.

Now, today I woke up and kicked booty and took names. Can my penance today make up for the sins of last night? I would think yes (meaning that this morning's run is only delayed from last night, so that it can serve the same purpose as last night's run)- as day and night is an arbitrary thing and it's not like all the calories in my body turn to fat at midnight, right? It would seem to be the same thing to me as if I went and had a huge breakfast and blew it early in the day, then went to work and sat around for 8 hours and then worked it off that night- right? Or am I missing something here?

But I wonder because we do go day by day so much, and there's all the advice to avoid eating and lying down and not eating after a certain hour and such. I really would have prefered to get out there and "run it off" last night- but I'm thinking that's a psychological/ conscience thing?

Your thoughts?


  • I would think that what you did is just fine. I try to remind myself that this is a marathon - not a sprint. So day-by-day numbers aren't as important as the average at the end of the week. I'm not a person who exercises, so if I had gone over my calories by 400 last night, I'd probably eat about 200 less than usual today, maybe 100 less than normal tomorrow, and then back to normal. I might throw in a couple of walks I wouldn't normally have taken. :wink: that's just my opinion, but your logic and the analagy of eating a big breakfast then sitting around at work for 8 hours make a lot of sense.
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    400 calories once is not going to hurt you. Forgive and forget and move on. Today is a bright day full of sweat and weightloss.
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Thanks folks. You gave some good advice and I think you are right. :smile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I find that changing it up every 3-4 weeks actually keeps me losing.

    You will be fine!!

    Glad you had a nice evening with DH:love::smooched: :heart:
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