The Good, Bad, & Ugly Shakeology Report (IMHO)

Steph13RN Posts: 92 Member
Please no flames ... this is not any intention to bash the product, just my opinion of the product.
I happen to love BB fitness plans and support them 100%, as I do Shakeology for those that have found their favorite recipes.
This product was not for me, and I haven't seen anyone speak about the product had they not liked it.

I have to admit, after finally finishing about 1/2 of one (I couldn't finish one of these drinks in one sitting as it was sooo fillng) I was really full. So I can totally see this being a meal replacement. I wasn't hungry for hours afterwards, and almost wasn't hungry for dinner! I can't even imagine drinking one of these and being hungry ... so that is totally worth it! This would be perfect for those who have long commutes and wake up real early.

I'm sorry, but I just can't force this drink down.
I want to be honest and say that for some, they may like it, but for me, it's a no go. I just can't do it.

The greenberry is just nasty IMHO. It's chalky and just doesn't do it. No matter what fruit or juice I put with it, cold, slushified, whatever - it just has this chalky-ness about it that I can't get passed.

The chocolate is waaay too chocolatey for me, and very thick (with just coffee or just banana). It actually reminded me of Slim Fast and left a nasty after taste in my mouth. I thought for sure this would be better than the greenberry, but I actually think it was just as bad.

So that's just MY opinion of the product. I'm sure it's great as it does have many great ingredients listed to it, and it does keep you full and satisfied for quite a long time. However for me, I just didn't like either flavor. Perhaps had they had a vanilla I would have chosen that as a flavor vs the chocolate, but that's just me. For all of those that are using it and love it, CONGRATS!!


  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I had the same problem... just couldn't get past the taste.

    Too bad... I WANTED to love it!
  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    i think its just a way of getting money out of people. Never bought any of them Sorry folks but i make my own shakes with whey protein powder and fruits. Much tastier and cheaper too
  • brybre0413
    brybre0413 Posts: 212 Member
    I do Gnc Total lean tasty.....filling and I love them!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'm sure it's great as it does have many great ingredients listed to it, and it does keep you full and satisfied for quite a long time.

    See that is a common supplement ploy, they list a ton of ingredients, which most are just filler and put in very very small amounts so they can list them on the label but people will likely derive no benefit from the majority of the ingredients because they added in in teeny amounts.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    i think its just a way of getting money out of people. Never bought any of them Sorry folks but i make my own shakes with whey protein powder and fruits. Much tastier and cheaper too

    This. I make my own. I love Beachbody and what its workouts have done for me, and I genuinely like the workouts. But I hate how gimmicky it is and think Shakeology is a joke. Absolutely NO offense to the many coaches out there encouraging us to drink it. But I prefer to make my own.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Shakeology; is that sold by the church of scientology? :huh:

    Like someone said - go buy a good protein powder from a reputable supplement store and make your own drinks with fresh fruits.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    See that is a common supplement ploy, they list a ton of ingredients, which most are just filler and put in very very small amounts so they can list them on the label but people will likely derive no benefit from the majority of the ingredients because they added in in teeny amounts.


    I still don't get the appeal of a "meal replacement"
  • mollieprice331
    mollieprice331 Posts: 40 Member
    I make my own using the Body By Vi protien powder. It's pretty freakin tasty.
  • :smile: It is good to read that most of you all have found what works best for you. Shakeology worked for me. Although the after taste is chaulky, it encouraged my water intake by 32oz more each day. The after taste also helped to curb my appetite, as it was more convenient for me to fill up on a premade "meal replacement" drink until I made time for my lunch/dinner meal.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    See that is a common supplement ploy, they list a ton of ingredients, which most are just filler and put in very very small amounts so they can list them on the label but people will likely derive no benefit from the majority of the ingredients because they added in in teeny amounts.


    I still don't get the appeal of a "meal replacement"

    I'll make myself a smoothie with a scoop of protein powder over the weekend for lunch or something, if I'm feeling lazy and don't want to make anything (I find them quite filling), but that's about it.
  • Tlively13
    Tlively13 Posts: 57 Member
    I would mix mine with 1tablespoon of natural peanut butter and 1/2 cup almons milk and 3/4 cup of cold water and mix in a magic bullet to get it smooth. it worked okay but i found i could get just as healthy eating the right kinds of foods, not i mix smoothies with real fruit and whey protein, or fresh veggies.
  • glenette1
    glenette1 Posts: 140 Member
    I totally agree about the after taste. I have tried the chocolate and the vegan strawberry. The chocolate had a good flavor as I love rich chocolate but the after taste was not worth it and the strawberry tasted like ground up chalk in my shake. In addition to the taste, they are EXTREMELY over priced. I prefer to buy my meal replacement shakes at Vitamin World with a 40% off coupon paying around $20 each tub. Admittedly, they are not as filling but I use them for breakfast and I am so busy at work from breakfast until lunch I don't have time to feel hungry anyway so it works for me. If anyone has a Vitamin World/Vitamine Shoppe/GNC brand that they find filling please share.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    See that is a common supplement ploy, they list a ton of ingredients, which most are just filler and put in very very small amounts so they can list them on the label but people will likely derive no benefit from the majority of the ingredients because they added in in teeny amounts.


    I still don't get the appeal of a "meal replacement"

    I'll make myself a smoothie with a scoop of protein powder over the weekend for lunch or something, if I'm feeling lazy and don't want to make anything (I find them quite filling), but that's about it.

    It's a lot less work for me to microwave a chicken breast I've already grilled than to make a shake and clean up after myself.........
  • caegem
    caegem Posts: 79 Member
    I LOVE:love: LOVE LOVE My Visalus Shakes, they taste awesome and the variety of recipies for them is endless!! I love the convienence of a shake and the protein they provide is excellent! I have trouble keeping my protein as high as it should be because im not a huge meat eater, so the shakes work great. If you would like a sample ill be happy to hook you up!!
  • iLose2Gain
    iLose2Gain Posts: 138 Member
    I do Gnc Total lean tasty.....filling and I love them!

    And it's cheaper!
  • LovelyNFit
    LovelyNFit Posts: 92 Member
    a "meal replacement" that fills you up for a long time...hmmm this just sounds like getting you hooked on something that guarantees the company repeat revenue/customers.

    -the fact that it fills you up for a long time is just like all the other fad diets out there that don't teach you how to feed your body.
    -what will you do when you are off them?... you will be very hungry ---is this why they have lots of coaches around? they get a discount on Shakeology.

    -I have p90x but the shakeologgy seemed like like the above to me so I never had any interest.

    -The workouts are great and a lot of ppl are seeing results from it.

    Sounds like dependency theory is at play. I rather learn how to feed and fuel my body with healthy foods.

    BUT TO EACH THEIR OWN! this was just how I see it.
  • Thanks for posting this and for being so honest. A friend of mine uses them and she loves them. She's had some real results, too but anything other than actual food kinda bothers me anyway. I'm here to learn how to eat for the long terms and shakes just won't be a permanent thing for me.

    However, I was intrigued and was going to try the chocolate. After reading this, however, I think I'll steer clear and stick to my foods. I've had some bad shakes in the past and regretted it. Now, thankfully, I'll be able to avoid something yucky.

    Good luck on your weight loss.
  • Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn
    Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn Posts: 501 Member
    i think its just a way of getting money out of people. Never bought any of them Sorry folks but i make my own shakes with whey protein powder and fruits. Much tastier and cheaper too

    This. I make my own. I love Beachbody and what its workouts have done for me, and I genuinely like the workouts. But I hate how gimmicky it is and think Shakeology is a joke. Absolutely NO offense to the many coaches out there encouraging us to drink it. But I prefer to make my own.

    ^this this this!!! 100%
  • Maasmondy
    Maasmondy Posts: 54 Member
    A lot of people start out with a half of a scoop as a whole scoop is TOO much at first. And yeah, you have to play around with the recipes to get it just right. Almond milk instead of regular milk. Add some PB2, add a banana, blend with ice, etc.

    I feel bad that some people think it's a "gimmick". It's an amazing product that doesn't compare nutrition-wise to anything else on the market.
  • cmje94066
    cmje94066 Posts: 24 Member
    does it cause bloating