Near Fayette County, GA? Come learn how to Dragon Boat

If you've ever wondered how to expand your workout repertoire without having to spend oodles of money for equipment, lessons, etc...this is your opportunity to check out the world's fastest growing water sport without any major commitment on your prior experience needed.....just a desire to have fun and get a great workout.

Each Saturday between now and September from 1-4pm, the Rotary Club of Peachtree City's Dragon Boat Team will be holding open practices for anyone who wishes to give this fun sport a try. We can be found at the Picnic Park/All-Children's Park on Lake Peachtree. This is behind the Library and Municipal complex.

The web address is:

The training calendar and contact information is right on the website's first page. You can also do a web search on Dragon Boats to see different types of videos.

We hope that you will have lots of fun and will be inspired to enter a team into our Dragon Boat Races on September 22nd.

I am the Training Director for the club, and I can personally tell you that this is one of the most fun and intensive workouts I've done in a long time. I've paddled for a couple of years, drummed, and steered. I have a huge passion for this sport, and I wanted to give my fitness-minded MFP buddies a chance to join in the fun!

Best regards!