Is Too Much Protein a Hinderance?

I have been drinking Visalus protein powder with milk daily and it is great! The only think I wonder is at the end of the day my diary says that I have had too much protein. I am also mid-30 day shred and eating 1380 cals a day with it. Is having ''too much'' protein according to my diary going to hinder me or can I just continue on?

****STAFF NOTE***** We highly encourage our users to ask repeat questions as they help to promote and foster new relationships and introduce people to our forums. Please respect their right to do so.


  • reereejandro
    reereejandro Posts: 62 Member
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    You'll be fine. Protein is a good thing and the estimates MFP give are low. I struggle to reach my protein levels so kudos to you for exceeding yours. Think of the protein goal as just that, a goal to exceed, not something to try to stay below. Happy eating!
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Lexy seems to be a protein hater from previous posts!

    MFP is low on protein. don`t worry if you go will find lost of protein lovers on here!

    I am a high protein eater, you are very welcome to add me if you want
  • LexyDB
    LexyDB Posts: 261
    Click on search or click on the numbers at the bottom of the page (it does go past page 1 as do most forums) and see this question asked a few hundred times a day.

    Well, not a hundred but a lot.

    Quite a lot.
  • kierstin1976
    kierstin1976 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm in the 190-200+ range on protein a day. I don't have any problems.
  • LexyDB
    LexyDB Posts: 261
    Lexy seems to be a protein hater from previous posts!

    MFP is low on protein. don`t worry if you go will find lost of protein lovers on here!

    I am a high protein eater, you are very welcome to add me if you want

    Far from it, protein is invaluable. However, this question is asked several times a day and a click on page 2 shows another thread asking the same question as did page 4 or 5.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Lexy seems to be a protein hater from previous posts!

    MFP is low on protein. don`t worry if you go will find lost of protein lovers on here!

    I am a high protein eater, you are very welcome to add me if you want

    Far from it, protein is invaluable. However, this question is asked several times a day and a click on page 2 shows another thread asking the same question as did page 4 or 5.

    And everyday, new people want to start their new life and don`t always take time to look through threads. Encouragement does not take a lot of typing. If you don`t want to type then don`t is simple logic
  • LexyDB
    LexyDB Posts: 261
    If they can't take time to look through threads or spend 10 seconds clicking on search but have the time to log on and type the question. Slight contradiction, don't you think?

    ****STAFF NOTE***** We highly encourage our users to ask repeat questions as they help to promote and foster new relationships and introduce people to our forums. Please respect their right to do so.
  • feast4thebeast
    feast4thebeast Posts: 210 Member
    It always tells me I'm over on my protein too. Whether I'm bulking up or cutting body fat I keep it at 1/1.2lbs per pound of body weight but if I go over it isn't going to do me any harm. Oh and MFP is way too low on protein.
  • reereejandro
    reereejandro Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you for the helpful replies. I thought it was weird because I didn't think you could have too much protein (especially in a 1400 cal diet) but was confused when MFP was telling me it was too much. Thank you for the clarification.

    Also, is there any more that you should go over in the food diary.. .is the only one to stay under the carbohydrates? Or did I pay too much attention to the Atkins diet?
  • feast4thebeast
    feast4thebeast Posts: 210 Member
    Probably go moderate fat and carbs - atkins and the low fat crowd are both extremes. Get the best of both micro as well as macro nutrients by having both in.
  • RainRedfield
    RainRedfield Posts: 597 Member
    High Protein, Low Fat/Salt intake along with good amount of green veggies and you'll be A OK! ;)
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Nice to add you as a friend :-)

    In your tracker maybe add sodium/sugar

    Protein and fat are very low on can bump it up.similar to atkins except he said you should eat more protein and more or less avoid carbs.

    (this is just a short reply before people jump on my reply lol)
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Every forum has a know-it-all....haha.

    Thank you for the helpful replies. I thought it was weird because I didn't think you could have too much protein (especially in a 1400 cal diet) but was confused when MFP was telling me it was too much. Thank you for the clarification.

    Also, is there any more that you should go over in the food diary.. .is the only one to stay under the carbohydrates? Or did I pay too much attention to the Atkins diet?

    It's good to go over fibre (as always, all things in moderation and all that) but the recommended minimum is 14g. I aim for 20, but I have a strong history of colon cancer in my family... apart from the cancer prevention aspect, high fibre intake tends to indicate good eating (veggies, wholegrains etc) and has the great bonus of making you feel full.
  • audreanna76
    Eating more protein is what helped me lose my first 38 pounds...
  • dkgetchell
    You can actually set what you want your protein to be on the home tab on MFP. Click goals and there you can set what you want your intake to be. BTW nothing wrong with eating protein. The question is what is your overall calorie count. If your consuming 1300 calories from protein, your probably not feeling to hungry so if your calorie count is still high there would be problems.
  • Ashatack
    Ashatack Posts: 41
    !!!!!!!!!!!I didnt read every post but let me tell you that TOO MUCH PROTINE CAN ABSOLUTLY HINDER RESULTS!!!!! I just read an article on it on like last week. it said that too much in one meal will store the excess as fat! that the average female body can only metabolise ( sorry im an awful speller) like 19 or so grams per meal give or take based on your muscle tone, fat percentage, and hight and weight... I think you should do some real research to make your decision...
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    no such thing as too much protein. might make you fart though. :embarassed:
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
  • uglyhobo
    uglyhobo Posts: 108 Member
    The MFP levels are waaaaaaay too low.
    Try to get 1 gram per lb. of body weight.