My New Routine..

JJAVON116 Posts: 41
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm the type that gets bored easily doing the same thing repeatedly. That being said I switch up my workout routine often (about every 2-3 weeks or so). Just recently I've started riding the stationary bike for 20 min walking fast uphill on the treadmill for 20 & hitting the elliptical for 10-20 minutes.. & honestly it's the best thing I've ever done. The best part is since I'm switching up during the actual workout, it never seems like I'm working that hard.. It's great! & I'm getting an hour of cardio in.. I love it. I recommend it to anyone searching for a steady routine!!:drinker: :happy: :happy: :happy:


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    this was just reccommended by a trainer at the gym.

    She said to incorporate the stair climber if you can.......hits a whole other set of muscles in the legs.

    Here are the 2 she gave me to do....

    5 min warm up

    5 min hit the elip moderate-hard
    10 push ups
    10 squats

    repeat 3 times

    then 5 min elip
    10 side lunges
    20 bicycles for abs

    repeat 3 times.

    I brought my yoga mat to the gym and put it on the floor next to me. Felt all KINDS of stupid-but did it. Next day......someone in my spot doing the same routine:laugh:

    also she said after a 5 min warm up

    3 min moderate
    1 min high
    repeat 5x

    I was surprised that I killed double the calories as straight up moderate ellip for 30 mins!

    I am going to try your rou
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