what keeps you going?

I do soooo great for a few days, and then break off the diet a little, and then after a couple of days, im back to old habits. How do you all stay with it day after day?


  • ShiloughCoy
    Only think about today and NEVER allow yourself to dwell on how you "screwed up" yesterday or sink into "what's the point - I always fail anyway".

    One bite at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time and let tomorrow worry about itself!! :)
  • vallemic
    vallemic Posts: 278 Member
    Set little goals with rewards :) After every 5 lbs loss, I would buy myself something or a pedicure :) Small goals are sooo attainable compared to the big picture!
  • happyceliza
    happyceliza Posts: 36 Member
    I think knowing that tomorrow will come regardless of if I'm fat and binging or eating healthy and exercising I may as well keep at it. :) Maybe not the most inspiring, but when I think about it that way it helps me realize that even if I give up today, tomorrow will still be there, and I may as well make the bets of it!

    Another big one; seeing my 8 y/o stuff her mouth full of pizza and thinking of what she will have to deal with down the road if I don't start setting a better example!!
  • apedinger
    apedinger Posts: 57
    First off just for my own health, I have learned that I CAN do it, and that alone does it for me, but also people telling me how much of an inspiration I am and the more I watch the number on the scale and my clothes fitting different, the more I want to keep going.
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