Pulled Chest Muscle?

I've been having some pains in my chest and I think I pulled my pectoralis major muscle. When I touch the area it hurts and it feels tight. Has anyone pulled this muscle before and have any suggestions on how to make it feel better? I rubbed some IcyHot on it a couple days ago and it went away but it came back and I don't know what I did wrong.


  • Ruz456
    Ruz456 Posts: 99
    I have personally never pulled my pec major before however being an Athletic Trainer I may be able to help. I can tell you that IcyHot will do little to help with the healing in the area, it will provide superficial pain relief at best temporarily. The best thing to do is to ice the area if the injury is less than three days old this will help reduce any swelling that might be occuring, DO NOT USE HEAT. using heat too early will only make matters worse. after 3 days or so then it is safe to use heat which will bring an increased blood flow to the area and bring more nutrients to the area to aid in healing. Its important also to eat a fair amount of protien, fruits and vegetables as your body will use the nutrients in these foods to help rebuild

    Hopefully I have been of some help, good luck with everything!