Can I afford a cheat day this week?



  • LemonSnap
    LemonSnap Posts: 186 Member
    Cheat days are fine, but for health reasons, watch your sodium, it looks like you're getting way too much some days. I hope you've been drinking lots of water to flush it out.

    Drinking 8+ glasses of Green Tea a day. It increases potassium and releases water and sodium. :) Trust me it works. It also boosts your metabolism BIG TIME in addition to working out.

    You are deluding yourself if you believe drinking 8+ glasses of green tea - that contains caffeine no less - makes it OK to consistently consume such high levels of sodium. You also need to do a little research on the contraindications of green tea.

    As for cheat days, just call it living. You eat well most days (other than all that sodium and green tea :P ) and have the occasional indulgence - I think that is how most healthy weight people live. It's how I'm striving to live.
  • shelbiejo
    shelbiejo Posts: 283 Member
    Look at it like this if you eat healthy one day and bad the rest there will be hardly any effect. Same thing goes for eating bad one or two meals once a week. Especially if my calorie has been severely low all week.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^LOVE THIS!!!!!
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Once you cheat, it becomes easier and easier to cheat again and soon the program is out the window!!


    I'VE TAKEN CHEAT DAYS SINCE I STARTED MY NEW LIFESTYLE AND IVE LOST ALMOST 80LBS lmao Cheat days work. Ask any personal trainer. and once again I am not asking if cheat days work or not im asking if I can afford one from people who DO use cheat days.


    Hahha, people are dumb. :) Yes, sir. You take that cheat day and STOP ASKING FOR PERMISSION, damnit!! This is your body! This is your choice! You do NOT need to ask MFP members to decide for you. Do you want pizza tomorrow? Do you want a cheeseburger? Do you want a donut or two? THEN DO IT.

    I know what you're doing here because I did it myself. It's like watching an instant replay of my own weight loss. I'll say it again: You don't have an obligation to ask other members if it's okay to eat this or that. It depends on what you feel comfortable with. I hate the term cheat day, anyways: it has this awful, negative connotation to it. SPLURGE A LITTLE!
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    I'm posting again, because I care about you. :)

    You say you want your life back? This is the beginning. Be a college student, have some junk food once or even twice a week! There is nutritional value to pizza too, you know. Grains, veggies, dairy, some fat, and protein. Try thinking of it in terms of nutrition instead of calories. Sure, it's not whole-grain rice and grilled chicken and steamed veggies, but I was reading over my first post... And who says pizza is a 'splurge' food anyways?!

    asdfghjkl Okay I'm done. Take care of yourself. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Double post.
  • scottyg354
    scottyg354 Posts: 13
    Once you cheat, it becomes easier and easier to cheat again and soon the program is out the window!!


    I'VE TAKEN CHEAT DAYS SINCE I STARTED MY NEW LIFESTYLE AND IVE LOST ALMOST 80LBS lmao Cheat days work. Ask any personal trainer. and once again I am not asking if cheat days work or not im asking if I can afford one from people who DO use cheat days.

    I think it's really great you can manage that, and that you have lost so much. My cheat days don't end so well, and I have to ask the question "Do I want to maintain my weight through cheat days, or continue to lose?" Enjoy your cheat day, you deserve it. I on the other hand will continue to approach my weight loss like I approached smoking cessation. I quit cold turkey in December, and have decided I can do the same thing with my weight. We'll see if it works, and perhaps it won't...but if I have one Oreo today, I'll crave another one on another day, so I'm better off just not having one to begin with. Best of luck as you continue your journey.

    But see eating bad one day will actually most likely HELP you boost your metabolism. Trust me I found that out by accident. I was restricting myself a lot back when I first started then I treated myself for my birthday but eating a ton and the next day I weighed A LOT less.

    I don't know how that works. I usually gain a ton of water and it does come off in a few days and I manage to lose a pound or two by the end of the week. When I say a ton of water, sometimes the scale will say 10 lbs in one day. That unrealistic from one cheat day. So I started having my weight in on Saturday before I have a cheat day to see where I am at.