No More Soda... Whose With Me?

Anyone giving up soda for good? Tomorrow is day number 1 for me!


  • tabstattooed
    I gave up cokes 3 weeks ago today....I used to drink at least a 12 pack a day 8 yrs ago got down to 1 coke a day then 3 weeks ago none.....

    this is worse than PMS.....I am feeling a bit bit*%Y and would like to beat someone about the head with a whiffle ball bat....

    other than that I am just great.....I will join you already in progress

  • xenanoo
    Yeah i know how hard it can be :3 I was doing so good about 3 years ago, for about 3 weeks, but i kept getting headaches, and every time I saw a soda, I wanted one SO bad! um addiction much?!? I have about one a day, or endless refills when we go out to eat, the later the day goes with out a soda the more i feel bad and want one. Arghhhhhh

    Welcome by the way :D Im so glad someones here with me. :)
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I have cut way back.....I haven't given it up altogether because I love it so, but I usually go days or weeks without. I don't keep it in the house (except for when my bf buys it, but I obviously cannot handle it cause I've had three cans today).

    I usually drink it when we go out to eat, but I'll try to have water if I am being good. People try to get me to switch to diet, but I hate diet pop so much. I'd rather give it up altogether and just have it on occasion than drink diet

    Good luck with your experiment. Giving up pop can really help the weightloss. I always feel so much better once I haven't drank any for a while.....but it is oh so good :grumble:
  • Meggs209
    me too!!
  • leslie63
    leslie63 Posts: 7 Member
    I gave up soda and switched to selzer water to curb the craving for carbination. I add lemon, lime, fresh squeezed fruit juice when I want to spice it up. It doesn't have any sodium and I don't miss the sodas so much
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I gave up soda on April 30th - haven't had one or even a sip since. This weeks mission - no artificial sweetners--working towards cleaner eating one step at a time.
  • bapaige
    bapaige Posts: 18 Member
    I have cut out all regular sodas and try to drink water with my meals. My weakness is Diet Sunkist! They are soooo good. Even though they are calorie free, I know they aren't good for me so I am trying. Its definately hard. The headaches get really annoying sometimes. Guess that is all part of "detoxing"!!!
  • dorkzcomic
    Sounds like a good plan, though I barely drink it any way :-P
  • mkwood10
    Years ago I was addicted to Mt. Dew; switched to Pepsi but still drank 4-5 cans a day of the real stuff - never could tolerate the diet aftertaste in anything else. :laugh: About 3 years ago switched to Coke Zero- and am down to less than 1 a day. Can't say I'll ever give up that 1/2 can completely, I still want that 1/2 can over ice when I get to work in the morning:laugh: I have discovered that I can skip it on the weekend and don't get the headache. .so it's a thought, but not sure if I can do it or not!
  • nguill6
    nguill6 Posts: 133
    I have a rule- no coke unless its half jack. Works nicely for most of the week :wink:
  • supernessa
    I am trying to cut out soda since I know it is so bad for me. Today is my first day really trying and so far I just have had unsweet tea to drink .. so far so good!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Good luck! I gave it up almost 4 yrs ago now (used to love my Diet Coke habit!) and I don't miss it at ALL! Get past those first few days... then you won't want to go back!
  • tabstattooed
    My Cokes were an emotional addiction. They never beat me, called me fat, abandoned me as a kid, were ashamed of me, they never died or ran away.

    I had my gastric bypass in 2001 and was supposed to give them up totally...not only is the sugar bad but the carbonation makes you bloat and also stretches out your new pouch.

    I went from 12-24 cans a day to none for about a month....then it crept back .....and I would get one bottle (20 oz) ans make it last a week or two by only taking a sip.....

    then some bad things happened.....anxiety attacks, 9/11, my husband got into some legal probs, had to leave the military, my daughter was becoming a teen....I had to work, divorce, no money, single mom....and I started drinking them.....

    now I am 40 over my goal weight....YES I GAINED 40 POUNDS even after gastric bypass. No it is not all the Cokes that did it.....I stopped eating.....then I started over eating....and so on and so forth.

    Well 3 weeks ago yesterday....I tasted my best friend who never hurt me, lied to me, cheated on me and so on...for the last time. I have 2 emergency Cokes in the fridge....the family knows not to touch them. I wont crave them if I know they are there.....

    It is hard.....the headaches and so on. I have gained 2 pounds in these 3 weeks and am really sad.

    good luck everyone
  • fifrenzyguy34
    fifrenzyguy34 Posts: 27 Member
    Great decision. Those are empty calories. I gave up soda back in August of 06 (making this 3 years without soda). It feels great!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jumpthemoon
    jumpthemoon Posts: 152 Member
    Oh I've tried that, but it can be hard. What I did do was limit my soda to 1 per day and it's almost always a caffeine free pepsi with dinner. I try to drink all my water during the day so it's like a "treat" for me although drinking it at night is probably the worst thing to do but I'm trying. . . . . :ohwell:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I very seldom drink pop any more since I started my lifestyle change and especially since I started drinking water. I wish my son would give up pop. That kid's (well a kid to me but he's 23 :laugh: ) addicted to it. So bad for him. :tongue:
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    I haven't have soda since November 15/08. I don't miss it at all and have no cravings for it either. It was hard at first but after the first month I was fine.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I would have to say I am addicted to Mt Dew. I've tried going strictly cold turkey. That lasts about three weeks and then I don't just fall off the wagon, I plummet off the wagon.

    I don't have to go into how many calories it is, and how bad it makes you feel. I'm sure everyone here knows that. Mt Dew is my comfort food. I start craving it when I get stressed. I mean a Bud Light is better for you than a Mt Dew!

    What has worked for me since Janurary, is I allow myself 1 44oz Mt Dew on Friday mornings during my commute to work. It's like 640 calories. But I don't care it's like my one dirty little indulgance. But I compare that with when I was having one daily, sometimes two, and you're looking at cutting 4400 calories a week.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I want to get off the soda. I know it's garbage, but I still find myself wanting it. I have severe acid reflux, and I probably shouldn't even be touching soda...not to mention all of the artificial sweeteners. Blah. I had cut back greatly, but lately there seems to always be a 2 L in my fridge. Time to try again. :smile:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I don't drink mainstream pop, unless i am in a situation where I can absolutely not get any ice water, unsweetened ice tea - then I will have a diet coke (and usually end up with a headache).

    I drink Zevia on occasion (TOM usually) when I want something bubbly!!!

    It is all natural and sweetened with Stevia. You can best believe at 6.99 for a 6 pack, they are drank very sparingly. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: