JUNE STARTERS - Monday Weigh In - September 14



  • schlieffen
    So I thought this morning I would see the damage from my hectic work week last week, fully expecting to be back in the 160s...

    SW: 182.4
    LW: 159.6
    CW: 158.0!! :noway: :bigsmile:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member

    SW- 195
    LW- 173.1
    CW- 171.1 !! :noway: :love: :smooched:

    I'm pretty excited! It's been a struggle lately to stay on track but I had a dr app and my dr was really happy for me. The first thing she said was how I look smaller and then she was amazed that my blood pressure was so much lower (in a good way) than my last visit. I told her I wasn't terrified of the scale anymore. :laugh:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Oh, and I'm 1.2 lbs away from my mini goal of being under 170 by Sept. 25th! It's SO do-able!!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Time of month and still juggling the same two pounds (up this week). Passing on formal weigh-in this week.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    bipity, bopity, BUMP!

    Where is everyone this week?
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    SW 176.5
    LW 158.0
    CW 158.5:grumble:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Hey everyone! Had a terrible week...it all started with a trip to a local Italian restaurant and I got pan pizza and a garlic butter breadstick. Felt terrible yet the next day I ate the leftovers :noway: Then I went to Bonefish grill and had fried shrimp. AND last night, the mother of them all, I went to Melting Pot and had tons of chocolate fondue and of course had to go out drinking afterward. I have felt puffy and terrible all week, but somehow I managed to lose a pound...I think it is an error on my scale, but I'll take it! :tongue:

    SW: 191
    LW: 165.5
    TW: 164.5
    GW: 150

    Congrats to everyone who lost, and Magg, you are amazing!! Wish I had your discipline!! :)
  • shannahrenee
    So i was going to avoid weighing in today but maybe if I make myself accountable I'll do better this week.

    LW: 193.5
    TW: 197 :noway:

    I ate terribly this weekend but it normally doesn't affect me this much. Perhaps too much sodium??? Who knows. I'm really disaapointed in myself and hope that those 3.5 lbs I supposedly gained in a few days isn't real (I was still 194 on like saturday or sunday)

    Stupid week. :grumble:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    So i was going to avoid weighing in today but maybe if I make myself accountable I'll do better this week.

    LW: 193.5
    TW: 197 :noway:

    I ate terribly this weekend but it normally doesn't affect me this much. Perhaps too much sodium??? Who knows. I'm really disaapointed in myself and hope that those 3.5 lbs I supposedly gained in a few days isn't real (I was still 194 on like saturday or sunday)

    Stupid week. :grumble:

    I'm so proud of you for posting this ... seriously ... this is not a real gain. Lots of water ... walk walk walk ... and bam ... you'll step on the scale one morning and it'll be gone. Been there ... done that. The stupid week is over so it's all sunshine from here. :flowerforyou:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    So ... for an update ... today's food choices haven't been too bad so far ... and I have a chilli in the crock pot for supper tonight. Yesterday was a bad day for eating ... I just couldn't get full ... I hate those days. Went over by a good 500+ calories. Oh well ... what's done is done. I'm going to try and have better control tonight. I have so much to do at home that I find myself eating to avoid it ... there ... now I've confessed it ... now it's behind me. I wish you all healthy and happy days.

  • shannahrenee
    I'm so proud of you for posting this ... seriously ... this is not a real gain. Lots of water ... walk walk walk ... and bam ... you'll step on the scale one morning and it'll be gone. Been there ... done that. The stupid week is over so it's all sunshine from here. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks, I know I need to just put it behind me and move forward but it really helps to have someone reassure me that I can continue to do this :blushing:
  • jeanns
    SW: 164
    CW: 159 (still up from my lowest, but at least not back to the beginning)
    GW: 144

    Come on, can I please just lose weight and keep it off for once in my life?!? :explode: I think that "dieting" is a recipe for disaster...I don't eat terribly, no fast food, I'm lactose intolerant, so I can't have all the good stuff like cheese and ice-cream so that eliminates a lot of junk....I just over-eat...a lot :laugh:

    Has ANYONE managed to overcome this? HOW?
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ok....yes.... if you are looking for encouragement... you may want to skip my post this week....

    I am still at 219 which is still up 2lbs from the gain last week.... I am seriously in a rut ladies... I know it... I don't know why I won't just pull myself up by the boot straps and get out of it... :angry:
    I have felt REALLY bad this week... Hoping I'm not coming down with the weird cold/flu thing that is going around here... I have laid around when I have not been working, so...NO WORKOUT>.... AND I would have probably felt better if I would have just got up and worked out, but I seriously could not motivate myself to do anything but lay around and feel yucky....
    So, how to dig myself out of this rut.... That is what I'm working on. I will do it!! I HAVE to do it!!! I will not let these last 10 lbs that I lost be for nothing... I have a LONG way to go on this journey.. I CAN"T stop now... I am just going to have to remotivate myself and get back in the game... I will do it, ladies. Sorry I haven't been the motivator that I should be right now... I'll get there....
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Ok....yes.... if you are looking for encouragement... you may want to skip my post this week....

    I am still at 219 which is still up 2lbs from the gain last week.... I am seriously in a rut ladies... I know it... I don't know why I won't just pull myself up by the boot straps and get out of it... :angry:
    I have felt REALLY bad this week... Hoping I'm not coming down with the weird cold/flu thing that is going around here... I have laid around when I have not been working, so...NO WORKOUT>.... AND I would have probably felt better if I would have just got up and worked out, but I seriously could not motivate myself to do anything but lay around and feel yucky....
    So, how to dig myself out of this rut.... That is what I'm working on. I will do it!! I HAVE to do it!!! I will not let these last 10 lbs that I lost be for nothing... I have a LONG way to go on this journey.. I CAN"T stop now... I am just going to have to remotivate myself and get back in the game... I will do it, ladies. Sorry I haven't been the motivator that I should be right now... I'll get there....

    That's why you started this group! Sometimes your the motivator and sometimes we are the motivators!!! You can do this! And you will do this! You've come too far to turn back around and go to the starting line again.....You will finish...I have faith & confidence in you:flowerforyou:
    Best of luck, I wish I had amazing advice but ......I don't:frown: Just sending "good ju ju" your way that next week will go better:drinker:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Ok....yes.... if you are looking for encouragement... you may want to skip my post this week....

    I am still at 219 which is still up 2lbs from the gain last week.... I am seriously in a rut ladies... I know it... I don't know why I won't just pull myself up by the boot straps and get out of it... :angry:
    I have felt REALLY bad this week... Hoping I'm not coming down with the weird cold/flu thing that is going around here... I have laid around when I have not been working, so...NO WORKOUT>.... AND I would have probably felt better if I would have just got up and worked out, but I seriously could not motivate myself to do anything but lay around and feel yucky....
    So, how to dig myself out of this rut.... That is what I'm working on. I will do it!! I HAVE to do it!!! I will not let these last 10 lbs that I lost be for nothing... I have a LONG way to go on this journey.. I CAN"T stop now... I am just going to have to remotivate myself and get back in the game... I will do it, ladies. Sorry I haven't been the motivator that I should be right now... I'll get there....

    Come on now Kandykins ... we all have rut events that come and go. You've come a long way baby and the fact that you got on here and posted what's going on is a sure sign that it's pretty much over and done with. You can do this ... now push away from this computer right now and go for a walk ... you'll feel better for it. Go on ... get up and go ... NOW!!! I consider you a dear friend and you have motivated me so much ... and I love you for it ... but if you need a kick in the *kitten* that's just what you'll get ... followed with big time hugs. Take care of you ... YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Ok....yes.... if you are looking for encouragement... you may want to skip my post this week....

    I am still at 219 which is still up 2lbs from the gain last week.... I am seriously in a rut ladies... I know it... I don't know why I won't just pull myself up by the boot straps and get out of it... :angry:
    I have felt REALLY bad this week... Hoping I'm not coming down with the weird cold/flu thing that is going around here... I have laid around when I have not been working, so...NO WORKOUT>.... AND I would have probably felt better if I would have just got up and worked out, but I seriously could not motivate myself to do anything but lay around and feel yucky....
    So, how to dig myself out of this rut.... That is what I'm working on. I will do it!! I HAVE to do it!!! I will not let these last 10 lbs that I lost be for nothing... I have a LONG way to go on this journey.. I CAN"T stop now... I am just going to have to remotivate myself and get back in the game... I will do it, ladies. Sorry I haven't been the motivator that I should be right now... I'll get there....

    Awww... *hug*

    What usually motivates you to work out? Looking at it from a psychological POV you should really think about and figure out what your triggers are that motivate you to workout or make decisions you will be happy with. For some people it is listening to a particular song, for others it might be reading a particular motivational message, or maybe watching a certain tv show or video.

    We are all here for you and care about you. *hugs*

    Take care,
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good morning everyone ... it's a brand new day ...

  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Hey everyone, i hope today is going well for you all!

    Me and my fiance are kind of at a disagreement. Well, it's a full fledged argument. Let me start by saying I already know I'm a very lucky woman to have him. O.k. So all his life he imagined getting married (a big wedding) and having 3 kids 2-3 year apart. All my life I imagined, well, not getting married and not having any children. :laugh: So here we are 3 years later with an 18 month old daughter and engaged to be married 9/10/11.

    So, yesterday we"re sitting on the couch talking about how I've lost and Annabella (my daughter who weighs 23 lbs.) and I'm only like 2 lbs or so away from pre-baby weight and he says: "So I was thinking we should have another." :noway: Ummmm, no. I love my daughter more than I ever thought possible but there is no way in heck I'm ready to even think about having another. We've been arguing ever since.

    He has such big plans! Get prego in Nov, have the baby in Aug- Sept and Annabella will be 2 1/2 by then. He's like a baby maniac! lol He see's a baby and his paternal clock starts ticking!

    I always told him we were meant to be together because we balance eachother out so well. If it was up to him he'd have 10 babies. lol If it was up to me I'd have 0.

    Sorry for the long vent. lol And again I know I'm really lucky to have a man who wants babies and all but sheesh, cut a mommy some slack!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ok....yes.... if you are looking for encouragement... you may want to skip my post this week....

    I am still at 219 which is still up 2lbs from the gain last week.... I am seriously in a rut ladies... I know it... I don't know why I won't just pull myself up by the boot straps and get out of it... :angry:
    I have felt REALLY bad this week... Hoping I'm not coming down with the weird cold/flu thing that is going around here... I have laid around when I have not been working, so...NO WORKOUT>.... AND I would have probably felt better if I would have just got up and worked out, but I seriously could not motivate myself to do anything but lay around and feel yucky....
    So, how to dig myself out of this rut.... That is what I'm working on. I will do it!! I HAVE to do it!!! I will not let these last 10 lbs that I lost be for nothing... I have a LONG way to go on this journey.. I CAN"T stop now... I am just going to have to remotivate myself and get back in the game... I will do it, ladies. Sorry I haven't been the motivator that I should be right now... I'll get there....

    Thanks for the kick in the *kitten*!! :noway: I needed it big time :wink: I wasn't able to go out and go for a walk because it has been raining non stop (but I'm not complaining...we need it so bad)... But, after Kensey (my baby girl) and I took her bubs to Kindergarten today, we went to Wal-Mart (the local hang out :laugh: ) And walked the store several times... I was also pushing the cart so that may have helped a bit...
    Yesterday, at the preschool I teach at, I really played hard with the kiddos... because of the rain, we were in the gym for playtime and I turned some music on and we danced, hopscotched with hulahoops (soar calves today from that) and ran around like a bunch of crazy people... I do feel better just from doing that... Now, I need to get back to my DVD workout routine, especially since the weather is bad....
    Thanks, again, Maglett!! Love you too, sweetie!! :drinker:
    Come on now Kandykins ... we all have rut events that come and go. You've come a long way baby and the fact that you got on here and posted what's going on is a sure sign that it's pretty much over and done with. You can do this ... now push away from this computer right now and go for a walk ... you'll feel better for it. Go on ... get up and go ... NOW!!! I consider you a dear friend and you have motivated me so much ... and I love you for it ... but if you need a kick in the *kitten* that's just what you'll get ... followed with big time hugs. Take care of you ... YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!