Ashy Bines Diet Plan?

My curiosity is making me want to buy the plan, but Im wondering if anyone has done it or what the principles of the plan are?


  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    My curiosity is making me want to buy the plan, but Im wondering if anyone has done it or what the principles of the plan are?

    apparently you don't get much for your money. There is a FB page claiming she is a fraud. That it's not worth the money.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Read the link on my profile.
  • Miss_L
    Miss_L Posts: 20 Member
    My curiosity is making me want to buy the plan, but Im wondering if anyone has done it or what the principles of the plan are?

    apparently you don't get much for your money. There is a FB page claiming she is a fraud. That it's not worth the money.

    I know she doesnt have any nutrition qualifications, but ive seen some of the results people have had! And yes she works out and probably looks after herself quite well, but she has a pretty healthy looking body!
  • I keep seeing "results pics" on facebook and i'm like how did you change that much in a week etc!

    would be interested to see what it is and if its sustainable as it seems a bit dramatic (so probably not!!)

    but yes... she does look hot :)
  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    I just google searched this, Basically it looks like a very low carb deit plan...I wouldnt pay 69 dollars for someone to tell me that... If you want fast results go low carb
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    why does anyone need to buy any kind of diet plan? the way to get results is fairly simple. it isn't easy. but it is simple.
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    if it's just low carb then you could try Dr.Dukan, there is lots of free info online. but I know that some people need structure and plan like me, to start, that's why I am doing shakes for now, then will watch what I eat with MFP help.
  • Miss_L
    Miss_L Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks guys!
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member many rip offs out there, this is apparently yet another! Just do your research on the internet that you already pay for every month. I think you'll find everything you need. :smile:
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    You can get her "guidelines" for free if you really want to have a look. The forum is a bonus extra for people who pay for the guidelines but I have known of many who say the forum is the only thing worth it for the support you get from other girls (not Ashy herself). Why you would pay money to access a forum when there are tons of free ones around which don't encourage eating disorders is beyond me but apparently it's worth it for that alone.

    It is low carb, low sugar and high protein. Very poorly written and poorly researched (you can't eat a lot of lettuce because of how much sugar it contains), you only pay for guidelines on what she apparently eats. There is no actual diet plan or recipes to follow or use.

    Girls have fast results because they are eating so few calories.

    Check out the facebook page outing their less than nice activities (tax evasion, refusal of refunds for misrepresentation and bullying) if you want to view the guideline for free.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    If Ashy Larry ever came out with a diet plan I'd be on it.
  • reneemay
    reneemay Posts: 1
    Hey I am following the plan - fairly loosely, it is straight forward but simple and easy to follow. You will get some meal ideas that are really easy - I think that is why there is a high success rate. I don't know what their qualifications are but Ashy has great insight and imput from other health professionals.

    You can see my results from the plan and i also have dont the Challenge here

    The challenge is the other side of the Ashy Bines business - the challenge has 26 or so locations now (all the trainers from the Challenge support the plan as well).
    When you check out my results you should vote too :-) I would love to continue doing the challenge. If there is one near you I highly recommend it - its about $40 a week which is fairly expensive but you get 3 sessions a week and the trainers are amazing and push you to your limit! I also saw other Personal Trainers asking for between $15 and $80 per hour!! this is much cheaper than that and you meet 100's of awesome girls too.

    Up to you if you buy the plan - if $69 isnt much out of your budget its really worth it from my point of view. there is a youtube video with a very valid view point - i dont know the link but just search for Ashy Bines and it will surely pop up :-)
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    It's over-priced for what you get.
  • ludeo
    ludeo Posts: 75
    colour me stupid!
    so I've been seeing lots of my friends of facbook rave about ashy bines so I thought, why not ill get it. I've never really followed a diet and recently ive been wanting to change my eating habits so I thought why not. after I got it I did some more research and realised ,she has a lot of haters. I can test to this. if she actually tried to write or use spell check or paid someone to write for her on her plan, she wouldnt have so many bad reviews! god the spelling and the way she writes is just awful. she really does sound stupid.

    The plan it really just is a very low carb diet from what I can tell. so of course people are going to have results or no results because they dont want to stick to it.

    I wish that I had done some more research before getting it. the only thing ill probably do with it, is look at the snacks because and maybe re read and have a giggle. Wish I had found something better to waste my money on. At least this is the first diet thing ive bought into not the millionth like so many of her followers. If you want to check it out yourself i would recommend google ashy bines and put it in facebook search as well and look at all the other pages that are there.

    This is just my opinion. As I said at the start my friends follow her plan and they have been raving about it so it clearly works for them. I just think ill go for something that has more substance and qualifications.
  • mydarkdesirex
    mydarkdesirex Posts: 5 Member
    I wouldn't bother with Ashy Bines. I have and it's a complete waste of money. She has one plan for everyone to follow, and some people are different with weight loss and it depends on all sorts of factors, including medical conditions so her plan isn't for everyone.

    I looked around and found one I'm really happy about, the forum is amazing and the plan is all personalised with healthy meals... no more diets and so far I've lost 11 kilos. If anyone's interested, the website is I couldn't recommend it enough and best of all, so much cheaper than ashy bines crap.
  • Ashy Bines Clean Eating Diet Plan is something to avoid. Just google "Ashy Bines Scam", it'll give you all the info you need to know about it. :)
  • mycuest
    mycuest Posts: 1 Member
    I've been on the plan for just over a month and have been very successful. I do think I paid quite a bit for it but had I not purchased, I'd probably still be stuffing my face with junk. So I'd say its been worth every penny for me.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    If Ashy Larry ever came out with a diet plan I'd be on it.

    who names themself Ashy on purpose?

    Also, Chapelle Show ftw!